Availability of Transcripts

Public Notice
At its September 2007 session, the Judicial Conference approved a new policy regarding the availability of transcripts of court proceedings. Effective May 27, 2008, all ordered transcripts will be electronically filed by the court reporter into the CM/ECF system.
The transcript will be available to attorneys of record or parties and the general public for viewing only in the Clerk’s Office Records Section public terminal for a period of 90 days after it is filed. During this 90-day period, a copy of the transcript may be obtained from the court reporter or transcriber, and an attorney who obtains the transcript from the court reporter or transcriber will be given remote electronic access to the transcript through the Case Management/Electronic Filing (CM/ECF) system. Within 5 business days from the date of filing of the transcript, parties may electronically file a Notice of Intent to Redact. A Request to Redact specifying page and line number of the required redaction(s) shall be filed within 21 days from the filing of the transcript. Responsibility for redacting rests solely with counsel and the parties. The Clerk will not review the transcripts for compliance. (Please refer to Local Rule 79-5.4.) After the 90-day period has ended, the transcript will be available through PACER.
If a notice to redact is electronically filed and the request to redact is not filed within the prescribed time period, an Order to Show Cause will be set by the Court. More information on this topic is available at the CM/ECF website.
Sherri R. Carter
District Court Executive