Central District of California Announces 2023 Local Civics Contest Winners

The U.S. District Court and U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Central District of California hosted a civics contest for high school students in grades nine through twelve (Local Contest), which was held in conjunction with a civics contest sponsored by the Ninth Circuit for high school students in the Western United States (Ninth Circuit Civics Contest).
This year’s Ninth Circuit Civics Contest “The 28th Amendment to the United States Constitution: What Should Our Next Amendment Be?” challenged students to contemplate and focus on three questions: (1) What amendment would you propose for our Constitution?; (2) why?; and (3) how would you get your amendment ratified?
The following students submitted the Local Contest’s top essays:
• First place – $1,000: David Estrada of Windward School
• Second place – $750: Jason Sioeng of Arcadia High School
• Third place – $500: Courtney Tetteh-Martey of Sage Hill School
The following students submitted the Local Contest’s top videos:
• First place – $1,000: The team of Diego Garcia and Alexander Carney of Orange County School of the Arts
• Second place – $750: Devin Huynh of Dr. Richard A. Vladovic Harbor Teacher Preparation Academy
The Local Contest’s first, second, and third place essays and first, second place videos were automatically entered into the Ninth Circuit Civics Contest to compete with winners from all other districts in the Ninth Circuit.
In addition to cash prizes, first-place winners of the Local Contest and a parent/guardian are invited to attend the 2023 Ninth Circuit Judicial Conference.
The Ninth Circuit Civics Contest is sponsored by the Ninth Circuit’s Public Information and Community Outreach (PICO) Committee, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, and the U.S. District and Bankruptcy Courts in the 15 judicial districts that comprise the Ninth Circuit. In all, the Ninth Circuit Contest received 966 essays and 86 videos this year. For more information, please visit http://www.ca9.uscourts.gov/civicscontest.