Resumption of Normal Operations in the Central District

The United States District Court for the Central District of California will resume normal operations on June 15, 2021. Therefore, the Court announces the following regarding its operations.
Effective June 15, 2021:
Entry to Courthouses or Probation and Pretrial Services Offices
- All individuals seeking entry to, or occupying, the courthouses or Probation and Pretrial Services Offices in the Central District of California must follow the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s most recent guidance regarding face coverings or masks.
Court Hearings
In-court hearings will be permitted in all matters at the discretion of the assigned judge.
- Hearings by video or telephonic conference may continue to be held in civil matters at the discretion of the assigned judge.
- Hearings by video or telephonic conference may continue to be held in certain criminal matters as set forth in Order of the Chief Judge No. 20-043 and Order of the Chief Judge 21-060, unless the findings and authorizations in the Orders are subsequently terminated.
- Effective July 16, 2021, all criminal duty matters will be held in-person. In the Western Division, criminal duty will be held in Courtroom 10C of the First Street Courthouse, until further notice. The Southern and Eastern division criminal duty matters will be held in the duty magistrate’s courtroom.
- All individuals in the courtroom must abide by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s most recent guidance regarding face coverings or masks.
Jury Trials
- Jury trials will be permitted in civil and criminal cases.
- All individuals in the courtroom must abide by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s most recent guidance regarding face coverings or masks.
Kiry K. Gray
District Court Executive/Clerk of Court
June 11, 2021