Common Civil Filing Mistakes

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To assist  all parties and to avoid possible delays, the following is a list of some of the more common mistakes made in filing documents in civil cases.  All numbers in parentheses are references to the Local Civil Rules.

  • No civil cover sheet is filed with a new action, or the civil cover sheet is not completely filled out.  (L.R. 3-1).
  • A  notice of removal is filed without a conformed copy of the state court complaint.
  • The case title on the summons does not match the case title on the complaint.
  • On subsequently filed documents, the case number and/or the judge’s initials are incorrect.
  • When multiple documents requiring proof of service are filed, a copy of the proof of service does not accompany each document.  (L.R. 5-3.1).
  • A notice of motion is filed less than the minimum number of days before the hearing date noticed.  (L.R. 6-1).
  • An ex parte application does not include a lodged proposed ex parte order.  (L.R. 7-19).
  • A Notice of Interested Parties is not filed with a first appearance.  (L.R. 7.1-1).
  • A submitted document is not numbered consecutively at the bottom of each page.  (L.R. 11-3.3).
  • A document filed in paper format is not accompanied by a copy for the judge.  (L.R. 11-4.1.2).
  • A paper exhibit is not numbered consecutively to the principal document.  (L.R. 11-5.2).
  • No Notice of Lodging of deposition is filed when a deposition is submitted for use at trial or an evidentiary hearing.  (L.R. 32-1).        
  • A discovery motion is filed without a joint stipulation.  (L.R. 37-2.4).
  • A demand for a jury trial is not set forth at the end of the pleading.  (L.R. 38-1).
  • A party seeking summary judgment does not lodge a proposed judgment.  (L.R. 56-1).
  • The notice of related cases does not include all related cases.  (L.R. 83-1.3.1).  

Please consult the Local Civil Rules for further information.