Honorable Mónica Ramírez Almadani

U.S. Courthouse, 350 W. First Street, Courtroom 10B, Los Angeles, CA 90012
Federal law prohibits recording, copying, photographing, and rebroadcasting of court proceedings. Violating this prohibition may result in sanctions, including suspension of your license to practice before this Court, referral to the state bar, denial of the right to appear by video or telephonically at future proceedings, criminal prosecution, contempt, denial of admission to future hearings, and any other sanctions that this Court deems necessary.
Criminal motions are heard on Thursdays at 10:30 a.m.
Civil motions are heard on Mondays at 1:30 p.m.
It is not necessary to clear a hearing date with the courtroom deputy before filing a motion. Counsel must check the “Closed Motion Dates” portion of the motion calendar. This contains ONLY those dates that are closed or partially closed, not all Mondays and Thursdays. If a motion is calendared for a date that is closed or becomes unavailable on the Court's calendar, the Court will issue a minute order continuing the motion to a date that is available.
Important Requirements:
All motions must be filed and served at least 28 days before the hearing date. Opposition papers are to be filed and served not later than 21 days before the hearing date, and any reply papers are to be filed and served at least 14 days before the hearing date. See Local Rules 6-1, 7-9, 7-10.
However, Rule 56 motions before this Court must be noticed, served, and filed not later than 42 days before the hearing date. Oppositions must be filed and served not later than 28 days before the hearing date. Replies must be filed and served not later than 21 days before the hearing date. This is so the opposing party has at least 14 days to oppose and the Court has 21 days between the reply deadline and the hearing date.
Prior to filing any motion, Counsel shall comply in good faith with Local Rule 7-3 or the Court may strike or summarily deny the motion. The parties must discuss in real-time all issues to be raised in the motion, as well as the law and evidence relevant to those issues, so that the parties’ briefing accurately reflects an understanding of the other side’s position(s). The notice of motion must include a statement of compliance with Local Rule 7-3. Letters and e-mail between counsel are insufficient to satisfy this requirement.
When a motion is calendared or under submission, counsel are required to inform the Court promptly of any finalized or imminent settlement that may render the motion moot.
Electronic Filing and Mandatory Chambers Copies: All original filings must be filed electronically pursuant to Local Rule 5-4 and must comply with Local Rules 11-3-11.9 as to form and format, including limitations on length set forth in Local Rule 11-6.1. Certification of compliance with this requirement is set forth in Local Rule 11-6.2. The Court does not require chambers copies of any motion papers or exhibits and discourages the parties from sending chambers courtesy copies. If the Court directly requests a copy, the mandatory chambers copy must comply with Local Rule 11-3 but need not be blue-backed. It must also be prominently labeled MANDATORY CHAMBERS COPY on the face page and include the NEF as the last page of the document. Chambers copies shall be delivered to Judge Ramírez Almadani’s courtesy box, located outside of the Clerk’s office, on the 4th floor, by the deadline set by the Court. Chambers copies of under seal documents shall all be placed together in a manila envelope labeled “UNDER SEAL.”
Proposed Orders: Each party filing or opposing a motion or seeking the determination of any matter shall concurrently serve and electronically lodge a proposed order setting forth the relief or action sought and a brief statement of the rationale for the decision with appropriate citations. A copy of the proposed order in Word format shall be e-mailed to MRA_chambers@cacd.uscourts.gov on the day the document is e-filed. Proposed orders must include Judge Ramírez Almadani’s correct name and title: Hon. Mónica Ramírez Almadani, United States District Judge. Orders with an incorrect spelling or title will not be signed. A Template – Proposed Order is linked below for counsel to use.
Discovery Motions: All discovery matters have been referred to the assigned magistrate judge, who will hear all discovery disputes. The magistrate judge’s initials follow the district judge’s initials next to the case number. All discovery-related documents must include the words “DISCOVERY MATTER” in the caption to ensure proper routing. Counsel are directed to review the magistrate judge’s Procedures and Schedules on the Central District’s website to schedule discovery matters for hearing. Documents may not be filed under seal in matters pending before the district judge based on a protective order signed by the magistrate judge. A separate and additional showing of good cause as to each category of document or information is required. See Fed. R. Civ. P. 26(c); Phillips ex rel. Estates of Byrd v. General Motors Corp., 307 F.3d 1206, 1212 (9th Cir. 2002). The parties must also comply with Local Rule 79-5 (Confidential Court Records).
Ex Parte Applications: Ex parte applications are considered on the papers and typically not set for hearing. Counsel are reminded that ex parte applications are solely for extraordinary relief and are discouraged. Mission Power Eng’g Co. v. Cont’l Cas. Co., 883 F. Supp. 488, 488 (C.D. Cal. 1995). A party seeking ex parte relief must show: (1) “the moving party’s case will be irreparably prejudiced if the underlying motion is heard according to regular noticed motion procedures”; and (2) “the moving party is without fault in creating the crisis that requires ex parte relief, or that the crisis occurred as a result of excusable neglect.” Id. at 490. Applications that do not meet the requirements set forth in Local Rule 7-19 will not be considered. If counsel do not intend to oppose the ex parte application, they must inform the courtroom deputy by telephone. Any opposition to an ex parte application should be filed within 24 hours of receipt of the ex parte application. In addition, sanctions may be imposed for misuse of ex parte applications.
Continuances or Extensions of Time: Continuances are granted only on a showing of good cause. Requests for continuances must be by motion or stipulation and accompanied by a declaration setting forth the reasons for the requested continuance. The declaration should include whether there have been any previous requests for continuances and whether these were granted or denied. Counsel must submit any request for a continuance or extension of time not later than five (5) court days prior to the expiration of the scheduled date. A request to continue or extend dates or deadlines that have already expired constitutes a presumptive lack of due diligence. The caption of any request for a continuance or extension of time shall indicate how many previous extensions have been requested (e.g., First, Second, Third, etc. Request for Extension). Requests for continuances will not be granted routinely, and stipulations extending dates set by this Court are not effective unless approved by the Court.
Notice of Settlement: The parties must advise the Court promptly when a settlement is reached. In most civil cases, upon being advised that a resolution as to all parties and all claims has been reached, the Court will issue an order staying all proceedings pending a stipulation of dismissal by the parties. The parties are expected to finalize the terms of the settlement and file a stipulation of dismissal within 60 days of the entry of the Court’s stay order. If the parties reach a settlement in principle that is expected to or is likely to take more than 60 days to finalize, the parties should be prepared to articulate why additional time is needed and demonstrate diligence in finalizing the settlement.
People Without Lawyers: People who are not represented by attorneys may submit documents for filing through the Court’s Electronic Document Submission System ("EDSS") instead of mailing or bringing documents to the Clerk’s Office. EDSS is not the same as filing documents electronically in the Court's CM/ECF System. Registration is not required to use EDSS and you do not need a PACER account; only internet access and an e-mail address are required. Attorneys may not use EDSS to submit documents on behalf of their clients. To access EDSS and for additional information, visit the Court's website here. In addition, please note that Public Counsel, a non-profit organization, runs a free Federal Pro Se Clinic where people without lawyers can get information and guidance. The Clinic is located at the Roybal Federal Building and Courthouse, 255 East Temple Street, Los Angeles, California 90012, and operates by appointment only. You may schedule an appointment either by calling the Clinic at (213) 385-2977, ext. 270, or by submitting an on-line request for services.
Interpreter Services: Counsel in civil actions are responsible for arranging for the services of an interpreter. Information about interpreter services is available on the Court’s website here.
Transcripts: For general information on how to order a transcript of any reported or digitally recorded proceeding, please review the information available on the Court’s website here. If you require an estimate of cost for the preparation of a transcript, contact the court reporter/recorder for the desired proceeding. To determine the court reporter/recorder for a particular proceeding, go to the Court Reporter Schedule and click on View by Date. Once you have determined the correct court reporter/recorder for the desired session, click on Court Reporter Phone and Email List for contact information.
Electronic Equipment: Parties and counsel are directed to contact the courtroom deputy well in advance of an appearance at which they want to use electronic equipment in the courtroom.
No Contact with Chambers: Counsel must not contact the Court or its Chambers staff by telephone or by any other ex parte means. Counsel may contact the courtroom deputy with appropriate inquiries, preferably through the Chamber’s email address (MRA_Chambers@cacd.uscourts.gov), and must include all counsel in such communications.
Law Clerk/Extern Positions: For inquiries regarding law clerk positions, please visit https://oscar.uscourts.gov. All applicants must apply through the OSCAR system. Judge Ramírez Almadani invites applications for judicial externs for the Fall 2024 and Spring 2025 terms. Applications for Fall are due on June 14, 2024, and for Spring on September 30, 2024. Applications should be sent to MRA_Chambers@cacd.uscourts.gov in the form of a single PDF that includes: (1) cover letter; (2) resume; (3) writing sample no longer than 10 pages; (4) law school transcript; and (5) list of two references with contact information. The email subject line should include “Externship Application: [Fall/Spring] Term.” Please do not email or call regarding the status of your application. Applicants selected for an interview will be contacted directly.
Media Requests: All requests from the media should be directed to the Court's Communication Specialist at (213) 894-7987. The courtroom deputy will not respond to media inquiries. The media are directed to the Court's website, including its Newsworthy page, as well as the docket on PACER for current information.