Voluntary Consent List for the Assignment of Civil Cases to Magistrate Judges

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The Court has adopted the creation of a Voluntary Consent List of Magistrate Judges who are available to accept cases on request, pursuant to 28 U.S.C. §636(c), to conduct any and all necessary proceedings and order the entry of judgment.

For more detailed information about the Voluntary Consent List, please refer to the Court’s General Order No. 12-01. General Order No. 12-01 and the Voluntary Consent List of participating Magistrate Judges can be found on the Court’s website located at www.cacd.uscourts.gov.

The General Order is effective February 27, 2012, and shall govern in all proceedings in cases thereafter commenced and, insofar as just and practicable, all proceedings then pending.

Terry Nafisi - Clerk of Court