Naturalization Frequently Asked Questions

  • How can I obtain a copy of my Name Change Form?

    To obtain a copy of your Name Change Form, please contact USCIS directly at or call (800) 375-5283 for additional information.

  • How do I obtain proof of my citizenship? Is there an official document?

    The Court is unable to provide a copy of your naturalization certificate or any other documentation that certifies your citizenship. To obtain a replacement of your naturalization certificate, please follow the instructions found here at or call (800) 375-5283 for additional information.

  • I’ve just completed my interview for citizenship. How much longer before I am naturalized?

    To obtain a status of your application, please contact USCIS directly at or call (800) 375-5283.

  • I received the ceremony date for my citizenship and need to reschedule. What is the best way to handle?

    Please contact USCIS directly at or call (800) 375-5283 to discuss your options.

  • I missed my naturalization ceremony. How do I reschedule?

    Please contact USCIS directly at or call (800) 375-5283 to discuss your options.