Notices from the Clerk

Check this page, or the News and Announcements box on the homepage, for the latest official news and announcements released by the court. You can also access archived news and announcements from this page.

Attorney Admission Fee Increase

Pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1914(b), the Judicial Conference of the United States approved several changes to the district court miscellaneous fee schedule, effective December 1, 2016.  One of the changes is the fee for original admission of attorneys...

Public Notice of Intent to Consider the Reappointment of United States Magistrate Judge John E. McDermott

Public Notice of Intent to Consider the Reappointment of United States Magistrate Judge John E. McDermott Notice is hereby given that a panel of citizens has been established to submit a recommendation to the Court regarding the matter of the...

Public Notice of Intent to Consider the Reappointment of United States Magistrate Judge Patrick J. Walsh

Public Notice of Intent to Consider the Reappointment of United States Magistrate Judge Patrick J. Walsh Notice is hereby given that a panel of citizens has been established to submit a recommendation to the Court regarding the matter of the...

Passing of the Honorable Robert J. Timlin

Chief Judge Virginia A. Phillips announced the passing of Senior District Judge Robert J. Timlin on January 18, 2017.  Judge Timlin was 84 years old.

Closure of Main St. Entrance (Los Angeles)

Due to the ongoing move of judges and personnel of the United States District Court for the Central District of California out of the United States Courthouse located at 312 N. Spring Street, Los Angeles, California, one of the two public entrances...

Changes to the District Court Miscellaneous Fee Schedule

Pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1914(b), the Judicial Conference of the United States approved several changes to the district court miscellaneous fee schedule, effective December 1, 2016.  The amended Schedule of Fees will be available on the Court’s...

Amended Local Rules Effective December 1, 2016

Amended Local Rules Effective December 1, 2016 The amended Local Civil Rules and Local Criminal Rules listed below will become effective December 1, 2016. Redlined versions of these rules, as well as complete copies of the Local Civil Rules and...

Opening of New 1st Street Courthouse

Effective Monday, November 7, 2016, the new federal courthouse located at 350 West 1st Street, Los Angeles, California, will be open for business.  Please refer to the court’s website at for...

Changes to Local Rules Proposed to Become Effective December 1, 2016

The Court has preliminarily approved amendments to the local rules listed below. Their proposed effective date is December 1, 2016. A redline of the proposed changes accompanies the electronic version of this notice and may also be found on the...

Attorney Certificates

Attorneys may now request duplicate admission certificates, certificates re: search for grievances, and verification of admission electronically using the Court’s Case Management/Electronic Case Filing (CM/ECF) System.  The required fees must be...

Judge Virginia A. Phillips Succeeds Judge George H. King as Chief Judge

Effective July 1, 2016, the Honorable George H. King, having served as Chief Judge of the United States District Court for the Central District of California since September 14, 2012, has ended his tenure as Chief Judge and again takes up service as...

Seeking Applications: Ninth Circuit Judicial Conference Lawyer Representatives

The United States District Court, Central District of California, is seeking applications from qualified individuals interested in serving as Ninth Circuit Judicial Conference Lawyer Representatives.

Expanded Public Hours

The United States District Court, Central District of California, is expanding the public hours of the Clerk’s Office.   Effective July 1, 2016, the Clerk’s Office in the Court’s Los Angeles, Santa Ana, and Riverside courthouses will be open from 9:...

Seeking Applications: Ninth Circuit Judicial Conference Lawyer Representatives

The United States District Court, Central District of California, is seeking applications from qualified individuals interested in serving as Ninth Circuit Judicial Conference Lawyer Representatives.

Notice from the Clerk re Submission of Certain Prisoner Filings

On November 16, 2015, the Court adopted General Order 15-09, regarding a Pilot Project for the Submission of Certain Prisoner Filings Through Electronic Mail (“Pilot Project”).  Under the General Order, unrepresented prisoners at the California...

Attorneys Required to Electronically File Most Sealed Documents, Effective December 1, 2015

Significant Changes to the Court’s Local Rules Regarding the Submission of Sealed and In Camera Documents in Civil Cases Will Be Effective December 1, 2015 Attorneys Will Be Required to Electronically File Most Sealed Documents

Criminal Duty Calendar - Los Angeles Only (Administrative Leave Days - November 27, December 24 and December 31, 2015)

CRIMINAL DUTY CALENDAR – LOS ANGELES ONLY The cut-off time to place a defendant on the criminal duty calendar on Friday, November 27, 2015, Thursday, December 24, 2015 and Thursday, December 31, 2015, will be 11:00 a.m.  The PIA/Initial calendar...

New and Amended Local Rules Effective December 1, 2015

The new and amended Local Civil Rules, Local Criminal Rules, and Local Rules Governing Bankruptcy Appeals, Cases, and Proceedings listed below will become effective December 1, 2015. Redlined versions of these rules, as well as complete copies of...

Applications for Membership on the Capital Habeas Attorney Panel

Applications for membership on the Capital Habeas Attorney Panel for the Central District of California are now being accepted. ABOUT THE PANEL Habeas corpus petitions involving the death penalty that are not assigned to the Office of the Federal...
