E-Filing General Questions
What is the cost for using CM/ECF?
There are no additional Court costs associated with the filing aspect of the CM/ECF system.
What are the benefits and features of using CM/ECF?
There are a number of significant benefits and features:
- Courts can allow registered attorneys to file documents 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
- Full case information is available immediately to attorneys, parties, and the general public through the Internet. This includes the ability to view the full text of filed documents.
- Attorneys on the system will receive email notices electronically in CM/ECF cases. This greatly speeds delivery and eliminates the costs to both the court and attorneys of handling and mailing paper notices.
- Multiple parties can view the same case files simultaneously.
- Since CM/ECF uses Internet standard software, the out-of-pocket cost of participation for attorneys is typically very low.
Does the Court permit e-mail address updates by e-mail? If so, what is the e-mail address to which such requests should be sent, what information does the Court need to include in the e-mail? Does the Court permit multiple requests in a single e-mail?
Attorneys may update individual records (i.e. Attorney name, firm name, street address, telephone number, email address & facsimile number), themselves. Please click here for instructions on Updating the Attorney's Personal Profile Online.
In addition, a notice of change of attorney information, form G-6, must also be filed on each pending case, Local Rule 83-2.7.
Why Electronic Case Files?
Judges, court staff, and public have the capability to access electronic docket information, case management data and legal research materials. As most documents are initially created in electronic form, the federal courts can further reduce the reliance on paper records by establishing electronic case file systems. These systems should enhance the accuracy, management and security of records, and reduce delays in the flow of information.
Does a mandatory chambers copy require blue backing, labels, or any other noticing?
A mandatory chambers copy must comply with Local Rule 11-3 (i.e., blue-backing, font size, page numbering, exhibit tabbing, etc.) or as otherwise directed by the assigned judge. The mandatory chambers copy must be prominently labeled MANDATORY CHAMBERS COPY on the face page. The mandatory chambers copy must include the NEF as the last page of the document.
What is CM/ECF?
CM/ECF is a comprehensive case management system that allows courts to maintain electronic case files and offer electronic filing online. For more information, please refer to https://www.cacd.uscourts.gov/e-filing.
What documents should be filed manually (or traditionally) in paper?
Please refer to Local Rule 5-4.2 and Local Criminal Rule 49-1.2 for direction as to which documents should be filed traditionally (or manually) in paper.
The Proposed Order link is not working. How can I send the Word/WordPerfect proposed document to the Judge?
Please contact the CM/ECF Helpdesk for assistance.
Where can I locate the cost of filing a document in the Central District Court?
The information can be located on the Court's website. Click here for Fee Schedule information.
What if I forgot to attach state court pleadings to my notice of removal when I docketed the lead event?
You must immediately file the state court pleadings as an Exhibit in Support of the Notice of Removal.
What is the procedure for requesting a modification to the default “summary” e-mail notification setting associated with the individual attorney record?
Attorneys may choose to receive Notices of Electronic Filing ("NEFs") in either "summary" or "individual" form. While logged in, click "Utilities," then "Maintain Your E-Mail Address," then select the email address for which you want to adjust the settings. Choices will appear under "configuration options."
What information is required on address label when mailing a mandatory chambers copy of an electronically filed document via Federal Express or other overnight delivery service to Judges who require a mandatory chambers copy delivered to their Chambers?
The following information must be included. Do NOT address the package to "Clerk's Office" as this will delay delivery to the judge.
U. S. District Court
Chambers of Judge ___________________
Courthouse Address and Room Number*
City, State, Zip CodeExample:
U. S. District Court
Chambers of Judge John Smith
255 East Temple Street, Suite 1234
Los Angeles, CA 90012*Courthouse addresses and room numbers for the judges chambers are available on the Judges' Procedures and Schedules page. Do not use the courtroom number.
Other requirements:
Check the box FedEx Priority Overnight to ensure package is delivered the next business morning.
Check the box "No Signature Required" under Residential Delilvery Signature Options. -
Where should a mandatory chambers copy of an e-filed document be delivered?
Refer to "Mandatory Chambers Copies on E-Filed Documents" link on the Court's website.
What types of cases are designated for electronic filing?
All civil and criminal cases are designated for electronic filing. All documents must be filed electronically unless exempted by Local Rule 5-4.2 or Local Criminal Rule 49-1.2.
What is an electronic signature?
Electronic signature refers to the signature of an electronically filed document based on (1) the CM/ECF User's login and password and (2) the person's representative signature "/S/ - Name" or a digitized personalized signature or facsimile signature on the signature line of the document.
Please refer to Local Rule 5-4.3.4 for instructions as to electronic signatures of the filing party, and/or multiple parties.
Who is responsible for redacting documents?
The responsibility for redaction of documents rests solely with the filer of the documents, not the Court. Please refer to Local Rule 5.2-1 and Local Criminal Rule 49.1-1
How can I get a copy of the events dictionary?
We apologize, but the events list is no longer available. Please utilize the CM/ECF "Search" function, which is automatically updated in real time when a new event is added or an existing event is terminated, to identify the most appropriate event.
Are proofs of service needed on electronically filed documents?
Please refer to Local Rule 5-3.2. At the conclusion of the electronic filing process you will receive a screen referred to as the NEF (Notice of Electronic Filing). At the bottom of this screen the parties to the case will be listed, with a designation of which were served electronically with the NEF. Any party not served electronically with the NEF will need to be served in the traditional manner (see Local Rule 5-3.1), and proof of service on those individuals is required (see Local Rule 5-3.2).
Which personal data identifiers should be redacted?
Social Security Numbers, Taxpayer identification numbers, names of minors, dates of birth, financial account numbers, home addresses, passport numbers, and driver license numbers. Please refer to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 5.2 and Local Rule 5.2-1.
Who developed CM/ECF?
All software for the project was developed by the Administrative Office of The United States Courts.
Are there any characters that should not be used when entering text during the e-filing sequence?
Including special characters in docket text may result in CM/ECF not allowing for future documents to link to this particular filing. When attempting to link to this filing, users may instead simply see a blank page. To avoid this, the following special characters should not be used in docket text: ` ~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ = + [ ] { } \ | : ' " < >