NOTE: Use Ctrl-F keyboard combination to search for a term in the full list of FAQs,
Can I e-file a new complaint or notice of removal?
No, you may only e-file subsequent documents in your case after you have manually filed your complaint or notice of removal. However, you can submit your complaint or notice of removal to the Court electronically using the Electronic Document Submission System. (Link to the EDSS page https://apps.cacd.uscourts.gov/edss)
Can I e-file documents under seal?
No, you may only e-file regular, non-sealed documents. Check your assigned judge’s procedures and schedules to determine what your judge requires for the submission of sealed documents that cannot be e-filed. If not otherwise required directed by your judge, you can submit sealed documents to the Court electronically using the Electronic Document Submission System.
What if I have a technical issue or problem during the e-filing process?
The Court’s CM/ECF Helpdesk is available by telephone or e-mail Monday – Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
The phone number is: (213) 894-0242
The email address is ecf-helpdesk@cacd.uscourts.gov
If I have multiple cases, do I need to apply to e-file in each case?
Yes, you must manually file an Application for Permission for Electronic Filing in each case in which you wish to e-file, then click here to activate your e-filing privileges after the application has been granted.
Can I file documents for other people using my login and password?
No. Your e-filing privileges are granted to you and you alone. You can only e-file your own documents in your own case(s). Any attempt to file documents for other parties may result in your e-filing privileges being revoked by the Court.
Once I have been granted e-filing privileges, do I have to e-file all of my documents?
No, e-filing is not mandatory for parties that are not represented by attorneys. Even though you have been granted access to e-file, you may still choose to submit documents for filing by mail or using the Electronic Document Submission System. If the courthouses are open, you may also file documents in person at the Civil Intake filing windows.
Will I still receive paper copies of documents filed in my case?
No. By registering to e-file you have agreed to receive electronic service of documents by e-mail.
Do I have to provide a paper copy of my filing to the judge?
Yes, unless otherwise ordered by the assigned judge. One mandatory chambers copy of every electronically filed document must be delivered to the chambers of the assigned judge, or designated location, no later than 12:00 noon on the following business day. See L.R. 5-4.5.
How do I add counsel to a case?
To add counsel in a case, electronically file a Notice of Appearance (G-123) or other such document in the specific case.
Can I use the login and password issued by another court to e-file in the Central District of California?
Each district court has its own registration requirements, e-filing policies, and procedures. The Central District of California upgraded to NextGen CM/ECF on February 18, 2020. After you have complied with the requirements of becoming an ECF User the court will issue you a login and password.
Can I have the same filing login for all courts I practice in?
Why do I get an invalid login message once I have already logged into the court (CM/ECF site) and I am retrieving a docket or document?
Your PC needs to be set to accept all cookies. If the problem persists, log out, delete your existing cookie and internet files.
Why am I getting an invalid login error?
Some common problems are as follows:
- Both the login and password are case sensitive and should be entered exactly how they were created..
- The browser must be JavaScript-enabled.
I am changing firms. Do I need to establish a new e-filing login and password?
No. Your login is issued specifically to you. Even if you change firms, your login remains valid.
However, you must update your address, including any changes to your e-mail address, in PACER at www.pacer.gov. For detailed instructions on how to update your contact information in CM/ECF, see the Court’s website at https://www.cacd.uscourts.gov/e-filing/updating-your-contact-information. In addition, if you are counsel of record in any cases currently pending in this district, you must file and serve Form G-06 (“Notice of Change of Attorney Business or Contact Information”) in each of your pending cases. Doing so will satisfy your notice obligation under Local Rule 83-2.4.
Are there separate logins and passwords for PACER and CM/ECF?
Prior to February 18, 2020, the system required two separate logins and passwords, one for PACER and the other for CM/ECF. The Court upgraded to NextGen CM/ECF on February 18, 2020 requiring only the PACER credentials. For more information, please refer to https://www.cacd.uscourts.gov/e-filing/nextgen-cmecf.
Can any member of the public use CM/ECF to e-file documents with the court?
No. Access to the filing portion of CM/ECF is only available to registered ECF Users.
Can the general public view CM/ECF cases and the documents in those cases?
Yes, the public view cases and documents in CM/ECF unless they are sealed or restricted. A PACER login and password are required.
For those currently not registered with PACER, a PACER account may be obtained at www.pacer.gov.
Why am I having problems with my E-filing login and password?
Confirm the following:
- Are you using the correct login and password?
- Are you on the correct website? Each federal district court has a separate e-filing website. Please confirm you are logging into the link associated with Central District of California: https://ecf.cacd.uscourts.gov/cgi-bin/ShowIndex.pl.
- Have you linked your old CM/ECF account to your individual, upgraded PACER account since the Court upgraded to NextGen CM/ECF on February 18, 2020? For more information, please refer to https://www.cacd.uscourts.gov/e-filing/nextgen-cmecf.
- Are you able to log in to the PACER website with your credentials? If not, please contact PACER for assistance.
- If your login and password still does not work, please e-mail or call the CM/ECF Help Desk for assistance.
How do I receive a login and password?
Please refer to https://www.cacd.uscourts.gov/e-filing/electronic-filing-and-case-access-attorneys
Can I loan my login and password to another attorney who doesn’t have one?
No. Each attorney is assigned a unique login and password. It constitutes the filing attorney's signature to the document. As is the case with paper filings, it is the filing attorney's responsibility for the document. If an attorney is not listed as counsel of record, but files a document to the case, they may be added as attorney of record inadvertently.
Why can I get a docket sheet, but not any of the documents provided?
This court did not become a full e-filing court until January 1, 2008. If the document number is not underlined (a link), the document was filed prior to the full e-filing date and is not attached to the docket sheet. These documents can be viewed in the Records section at the courthouse. For details, please go to the Records Department page.
Check your browser settings. Also confirm that you have a PDF viewing software installed (ie Adobe Reader) You may have PDF viewing software on your computer but have not connected it to a browser.
If you are using MacIntosh/Apple computers and software, we recommend you use the latest version of Safari or download the free version of Mozilla Firefox and use this browser for all CM/ECF related transactions.
What happens if I do not consent to receive electronic notice?
Consent to electronic service is not required when service is made using the Court’s CM/ECF System. (See amendments to Fed. R. Civ. P. 5(b)(2)(E) effective December 1, 2018.) To ensure you receive notice when documents are filed in your cases, check to make sure your email address is correct in your CM/ECF profile. For detailed instructions on how to update your contact information in CM/ECF, see the Court’s website at https://www.cacd.uscourts.gov/e-filing/updating-your-contact-information.
What types of cases are designated for electronic filing?
All civil and criminal cases are designated for electronic filing. All documents must be filed electronically unless exempted by Local Rule 5-4.2 or Local Criminal Rule 49-1.2.
How do I recover my password if I have forgotten it?
Please review the information at https://www.cacd.uscourts.gov/e-filing/electronic-filing-and-case-access-attorneys.
Should I keep my Login and Password secure?
Yes. All logins and passwords must be kept secure. The Court recommends that attorneys only share their account information with staff who are authorized to assist the attorney in e-filing. Pro se litigants who have been granted permission to e-file in a case should also ensure that their logins and passwords remain protected. This helps to prevent unauthorized persons from obtaining access to the Court’s e-filing system and using it for malicious purposes. If you believe that a compromise may have occurred to your account, please change your password immediately. Click here for instructions on how to update your profile on-line.
Reset your CM/ECF Password
Please review the information at https://www.cacd.uscourts.gov/e-filing/electronic-filing-and-case-access-attorneys.
How do I log on to CM/ECF?
On the Court's website click the CM/ECF button in the "Most Popular" section.
How do I reset my password?
Please review the information at https://www.cacd.uscourts.gov/e-filing/electronic-filing-and-case-access-attorneys.
What if I previously did not consent to receive electronic service of documents and now I want to consent?
Consent to electronic service is no longer required when service is made using the Court’s CM/ECF System. (See amendments to Fed. R. Civ. P. 5(b)(2)(E) effective December 1, 2018.) To ensure you receive notice when documents are filed in your cases, check to make sure your email address is correct in your PACER profile. For detailed instructions on how to update your contact information in PACER, see the Court’s website at https://www.cacd.uscourts.gov/e-filing/updating-your-contact-information. As long as you are a registered CM/ECF User and your contact information is kept up-to-date in PACER, you should receive electronic notice of documents filed in your cases.
What should be done when an attorney leaves the firm?
That attorney has an obligation under Local Rules 5-4.8.1 and 83-2.4 to maintain and update his or her business and contact information with the Court and with the parties to any pending action in which the attorney has appeared. For further information on updating an attorney's business or contact information, click here.
If the attorney has any cases currently pending in this Court, the attorney (or his or her firm) will also need to file a notice of withdrawal (G-123) or a request for approval of substitution or withdrawal (G-01), depending on the circumstances. For further information on noting a withdrawal and requesting court approval of substitution or withdrawal, click here.
Please note that an attorney will continue to receive electronic notices in a case, even after updating his or her contact information with a new e-mail address, until the attorney is terminated from the case. In addition, law firms should make sure that the case docket accurately reflects the attorney(s) of record and that the attorney of record is properly set up to receive e-mail notifications. This may require filing a notice of appearance.
If I am not an attorney, can I e-file?
Pursuant to Local Rule 5-4.1.1, a non-incarcerated pro se litigant may seek leave of Court to use CM/ECF to file documents electronically in a particular case.
Are there any documents that should be filed on paper?
Yes. Please refer to the “Exceptions to Electronic Filing” page for a list.
What do I do if the judge strikes my document?
If the judge has stricken the document but provided no other instructions in the order, an amended version of the document may be refiled as a “Corrected” document.
Are there procedural rules relating to electronic filing?
Yes. These are set forth in the Court's local rules, in particular Local Civil Rule 5-4 and Local Criminal Rule 49-1.
How can I determine the size of my document?
To check on the size of the document, find your document on your system and either rest your cursor over the file or right click it.
I tried to e-file a document, but I received an error message that says “ERROR: This document cannot be loaded because it is over 35 MB. Submit the document in smaller parts, labeled correctly.” What does this mean?
CM/ECF has a per document size limit (35 MB). If the document exceeds the size limit it cannot be uploaded into CM/ECF. You must open your original PDF, Word, or WordPerfect document and split it into multiple smaller documents, each of which is below 35 MB in size. Each smaller document should be identified with either a caption page (Fed. R. Civ. P. 10(a)) or a cover page in lieu of a tab (i.e., EXHIBIT 5, APPENDIX II TO MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT).
What should I do if I receive a Notice of Deficiency or an Order striking a document filed electronically?
Read the notice or order and confirm whether you are required to re-file the document or are instructed to do anything else. If you are required to re-file the document, make sure it is done as soon as possible or by the deadline stated on the notice or order. Make sure the new document is e-filed as a “Corrected” version of the previously e-filed document.
Otherwise, you can wait to see if the judge provides any further instruction.
For any follow-up questions, please feel free to contact the ECF-Helpdesk.
When I query a case in CM/ECF, it gives me the previous case I looked at instead.
Check your Cache settings in your browser. The “verify documents” entry should have the “once per session” or “every time” entry checked, but not the “never” entry.
Who can I call if I need assistance with electronic filing?
Many of the most frequent questions are listed on this FAQ page.
If your question is not answered by the Frequently Asked Questions, send an e-mail to ecf-helpdesk@cacd.uscourts.gov or call 213-894-0242. This is for assistance with electronic filing questions, not case-specific questions.
I tried to e-file a document, but it says “format not recognized”—what am I doing wrong?
All documents must be submitted in PDF (portable document format) with an extension of “.pdf” (that is, a file name that ends in “.pdf”). Two common errors occur. First, a user thinks that he/she saved the document in PDF. The user then tries to file the Word or WordPerfect version of the document, not the saved PDF version. Second, a user fails to indicate the full path name for the PDF file he/she wants to upload. Because the system could not find the file, it responded with the “format not recognized” message. The solution: provide the full path name when identifying the file (example: “c:\documents\motion.pdf”) during the upload process.
How do I set a hearing before the assigned magistrate judge when electronically filing a discovery motion?
During the process of electronically filing, the filer will receive a screen that sets the motion for hearing. The default hearing officer is the district judge, so the user will need to click on the drop-down list of judges and manually select the assigned magistrate judge. Once the selection is made the hearing will be set before the selected magistrate judge.
I e-filed a document incorrectly that should have been filed under seal. What do I do?
Please contact both the Courtroom Deputy and the Help Desk (213-894-0242 or ecf-helpdesk@cacd.uscourts.gov) and explain the error. Then, if you have not already done so, e-file an Application for Leave to File Under Seal pursuant to Local Rule 79-5.2.2.
I’m about to file a Notice of Appeal. How do I pay the fee?
The fee should be paid online at the time the Notice of Appeal is filed. The fee should be paid by credit card using “pay.gov,” a secure government-wide collection portal, to which the CM/ECF system will direct the filer at the time of filing. Information about “pay.gov” is available at pay.gov.
Why can’t a document filed in error just be deleted?
The Clerk’s Office may not delete any e-filed document without a judicial order.
I’m about to file an Application of Non-Resident Attorney to Appear in a Specific Case (Pro Hac Vice Application). How do I pay the fee?
The fee should be paid online at the time the Application is filed. The fee should be paid by credit card using “pay.gov,” a secure government-wide collection portal, to which the CM/ECF system will direct the filer at the time of filing. Information about “pay.gov” is available at pay.gov.
How do I view and/or download multiple documents at the same time?
To view and/or download multiple documents for a particular case, check the “view multiple documents” box located on the Docket Report selection criteria screen. The docket report will include a new column, with check boxes for all documents that are electronically attached to the docket sheet, between the document number column and the docket text column.
Select the documents to be viewed or downloaded by placing a check in the box next to the document number. The selection of the document will include all attachments to the main document.
Two buttons appear at the end of the Docket Report: “View Selected” and “Download Selected.” (NOTE: If “View” is selected, the documents will be in a combined PDF file for viewing. If “Download” is selected, CM will create a ZIP file of the documents for downloading.)
If either button is clicked and one or more documents are selected, CM/ECF computes the projected size of the document(s) and compares it with the maximum allowable file size, 35 MB. If the combined size of the documents selected is close to or over the allowable file size, each document will appear with the file size and documents can be deselected in order to comply with the size requirements. If no documents were selected, an error message will appear. Just go back and select the document(s).
A single PACER billing receipt page will be displayed for PACER users. The billing receipt will contain multiple receipts, for each document selected, with a confirm button. If the PACER user confirms the amount of the billing and “VIEW” was selected, the selected documents (including their attachments) will be displayed for viewing. If the PACER user confirms the amount of the billing and “Download” was selected, the selected documents (including their attachments) will be combined in a ZIP file and a dialogue box will be displayed for the user to select a destination folder for the downloaded ZIP file.
Restricted Documents: Prior to viewing or downloading restricted documents, a screen appears to warn users about any specific document restrictions for documents to be contained in the PDF or ZIP file.
I’m not counsel of record in a case but I want to monitor a case. Is this possible?
Yes. Go to Utilities on the blue menu bar, click on Your Account/Maintain Your E-Mail Address. Click on your email address on the left (“Primary e-mail address”). In the middle of the screen, under “Case-specific options,” type in the case number you wish to monitor, then click “find this case” and add it to your list. WARNING: You will receive all ecf activity in the selected case(s) -- it is not limited to certain documents.
What is the deadline for e-filing in the Central District of California? I first understood you could e-file until 12:00 midnight, but I’ve also heard the deadline is closer to 6:00 pm or even 4:00 pm.
Filing documents electronically does not alter any filing deadlines set by court order. Unless otherwise ordered by the assigned judge, all electronic transmissions of documents must be completed (i.e., received completely by the Clerk’s Office) prior to midnight Pacific Standard Time or Pacific Daylight Time, whichever is in effect at the time, in order to be considered timely filed on that day. Where a specific time of day deadline is set by court order or stipulation, the electronic filing must be completed by that time. Check the judge’s initial scheduling order or e-filing order to see if that particular judge has an e-filing deadline or rules regarding e-filing on holidays.
How can I find events in CM/ECF?
After logging into CM/ECF, click “Search” on the blue menu bar at the top of the screen. The Search screen will appear. Type in the name or part of the name of the event (e.g., Summary Judgment, Declaration, Opposition) and click “search.” All the events that include the search term will be displayed as links. Select one to begin e-filing.
What should I do if I attached the wrong document to an entry?
As soon as you notice the error, start again and file the correct document. Then file a Notice of Errata and link it to the docket entry for the incorrectly filed document. The docket entry for the mistakenly filed document cannot be deleted, and no modification to that docket entry can be made without a court order.
When I view a document the header that includes the filed date appears in the middle of the document making it difficult to view the document. Why does this happen?
This is a view setting on your browser. Check with your IT department on how to adjust your view settings.
Why can't I see PDF documents that have been filed in criminal or social security cases through the Notice of Electronic Filing (NEF) e-mail?
Access to the PDF document may be restricted in these case types for the following reasons:
- Only the attorneys of record in a Social Security or immigration case may view documents filed in these cases online. The general public cannot access these documents electronically from outside the courthouse. Counsel of record, when logged in to PACER using their personal PACER account credentials, should be able to view the documents. These documents are available for public viewing from the public computer terminals in the Clerk’s Office.
- The document may have been filed prior to the Court becoming a full e-filing court. Check to see if there’s a link (a line) under the document control number. If not, the case was most likely not subject to electronic filing when the document was filed. Those documents may be available in hard copy at the courthouse Records Section in the traditional manner.
Can any attorney access or view documents in cases where they are not counsel of record?
Yes, unless a particular case or document is under seal or subject to limitations on remote access, like those in place for Social Security and immigration cases (see Fed. R. Civ. P. 5.2(c)).
Do I need to provide the court with a proof of service of subsequent documents?
When a non-sealed document is e-filed, a Notice of Electronic Filing (“NEF”) is automatically generated and e-mailed to all attorneys of record for parties who have appeared in the case who are registered users of the Court’s electronic filing system, as well as to pro se parties who have chosen to register for electronic service. The NEF includes the text of the docket entry, the unique electronic document stamp, a list of the case participants receiving e-mail notification of the filing, and a hyperlink to the document filed. Clicking on the hyperlink will allow the recipient to access the document on PACER, and the first view of the document through that link will be free of charge. The NEF will list all email addresses to which electronic notice was sent.
Attorneys and pro se parties who are not registered must be served by other methods, such as U.S. mail or personal service. A traditional proof of service is required for every document served on any party by any method other than through the Court’s electronic filing system. See Local Rule 5-3.2.
When a SEALED document is e-filed, a NEF will be generated and emailed, alerting registered users in the case that the document has been filed. However, only the filing party’s attorneys (if anyone) will be able to access the document on PACER, so the filer cannot rely on the NEF to effect service of the document. Service must be made by alternative means, and a proof of service included when the document is filed. See Local Rule 79-5.3.
When a user files a pleading or other document with the court, does the system automatically serve the other parties or does the user have to do something extra to serve the others? And, do the other parties just get notification or the actual document?
When a non-sealed document is e-filed, a Notice of Electronic Filing (“NEF”) is automatically generated and e-mailed to all attorneys of record for parties who have appeared in the case who are registered users of the Court’s electronic filing system, as well as to pro se parties who have chosen to register for electronic service. The NEF includes the text of the docket entry, the unique electronic document stamp, a list of the case participants receiving e-mail notification of the filing, and a hyperlink to the document filed. Clicking on the hyperlink will allow the recipient to access the document on PACER, and the first view of the document through that link will be free of charge. The NEF will list all email addresses to which electronic notice was sent.
Attorneys of record and pro se parties who are not registered must be served by other methods, such as U.S. mail or personal service. A traditional proof of service is required for every document served on any party by any method other than through the Court’s electronic filing system. See Local Rule 5-3.2.
When a SEALED document is e-filed, a NEF will be generated and emailed, alerting registered users in the case that the document has been filed. However, only the filing party’s attorneys (if anyone) will be able to access the document on PACER, so the filer cannot rely on the NEF to effect service of the document. Service must be made by alternative means, and a proof of service included when the document is filed. See Local Rule 79-5.3.
Do I have to deliver a mandatory chambers copy of my complaint to the assigned judge?
Yes. Local Rule 5-4.5, regarding the delivery of mandatory chambers copies, continues to apply to all electronically filed documents – including complaints and other case-initiating documents filed electronically. Mandatory chambers copies of complaints must include the notice of assignment of judge attached as the first page.
Can I open any type of civil case electronically?
Every case-initiating document filed in the Central District must be filed electronically, except: (a) in criminal cases; (b) in sealed cases, or where leave to file the case under seal is sought; or (c) where the filer is exempt from e-filing pursuant to Local Rule 5-4.2(a).
I filed a case and my personal contact information is incorrect on the docket. How do I correct it?
You must update your account information online in the Court’s electronic filing system. Find instructions for updating your account at here. BE SURE YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS IS CORRECT. See Local Rule 5-4.8.1.
Must attorneys open their own civil cases electronically?
Yes. Attorneys are required by L.R. 3-2 to file all new civil actions electronically, unless exempted from electronic filing pursuant to Local Rule 5-4.2 (e.g., sealed cases).
Where is the event to file the civil cover sheet?
On the “Civil Events” screen, under the “Other Filings” category. Click on “Miscellaneous Filings,” then select “Civil Cover Sheet (CV-71)” from the “Available Events” menu.
How do I add a large number of parties to a case? My CM/ECF session times out before I am able to add all parties named in my case.
If you need to add more than 10 parties to your case, complete your initial filing by adding just the first 10 parties, and then use the CM/ECF event called “Add Additional Parties (Attorney Civil Case Opening)” to add the remaining parties to your case. See our guide, Instructions for Adding Additional Parties in CM/ECF, for detailed instructions on how to use this event.
I added a party in error. How do I remove the party from the docket?
Clerk’s Office staff will review the complaint to verify party information, and will remove any parties added in error.
I forgot to add a party when I filed my complaint electronically. Can I go back and add this party now?
Yes. If a party is named in your complaint or other claim-initiating document, but you inadvertently failed to add that party when you electronically filed your document, you may add the missing party now using the CM/ECF event called “Add Additional Parties (Attorney Civil Case Opening).” See our guide, Instructions for Adding Additional Parties in CM/ECF for detailed instructions on how to use this event. However, you may not use this event to add a party unless that party is named in a claim-initiating document already on file in your case.
How do I get a summons issued?
You may file a proposed summons (using the standard summons form, AO-440) electronically at the time you file the complaint. (If you do not file a proposed summons electronically at the time you file the complaint, you may do so at any time within the prescribed time frame set forth in the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure.) The Clerk’s Office will issue the official summons electronically after a judge is assigned to the case. You will receive a Notice of Electronic Filing (NEF) when the Clerk’s Office enters the summons on the docket. Click on the hyperlink in the NEF to access the summons, save it, and print copies of the summons for service on each defendant.
The Summons AO-440 Form must be properly completed. Please refer to the Summons in a Civil Action page for instructions and sample completed summons.
How do I get a judge assigned to the case?
In most cases, judges will be assigned after the initial filing has been processed by the Clerk; you will then receive a Notice of Electronic Filing detailing the judicial assignment. However, some miscellaneous cases are not assigned to a judge. The docket for such cases will reflect the initials “UA” (for “unassigned”) next to the case number.
Pay.gov is not working. Can I submit my filing fee a different way?
If Pay.gov is not working when you open your case and file the complaint or other case-initiating document, you should try again to pay the filing fee via Pay.gov within two business days using the civil event “Credit Card Payments.” You may instead pay the fee in person at the Clerk’s Office Intake Section or mail it to the Clerk’s Office, but it must be received within two business days of the date of filing.
How do I file a complaint if I’m also filing a request to proceed in forma pauperis?
File your complaint electronically. During the case opening process, you will be given the opportunity to indicate that a request to proceed in forma pauperis will be filed. As soon as you have completed the case opening process and e-filed your complaint, you must then e-file either a Request to Proceed In Forma Pauperis with Declaration in Support (Form CV-60) or a Request to Proceed Without Prepayment of Fees with Declaration in Support (Form CV-60P).
How do I pay my filing fee?
The filing fee must be paid online at the time the complaint or other case-initiating document is filed. The fee must be paid by credit card using “Pay.gov,” a secure government-wide collection portal, to which the filer will be directed at the time of filing. Information about “Pay.gov” is available at Pay.gov.
If you need to pay a filing fee subsequent to the filing of the case-initiating document, use the event “Credit Card Payments” under the “Other Filings” menu on the Civil Events screen.
Can attorneys open their own criminal cases?
No. Not at this time.
What is the size limit of a PDF document to be filed in CM/ECF?
35 MB. This size is not necessarily dependent on the number of pages of the document, as scanned documents generate larger file sizes than electronically generated PDF documents. Please note that Local Rule 5-4.3.1 prohibits PDF images created by scanning paper documents unless the document is an exhibit and the filer does not possess a word-processing-file version. Attachments that exceed 35 MB must be divided into sub-volumes. Refer to Local Rule 5-4.3.1 for more information.
Which personal data identifiers should be redacted?
Refer to Fed. R. Civ. P. 5.2 and Local Rules 5.2-1 and 5.2-2:
- Dates of Birth: redact to the year of birth
- Names of Minor Children: redact to the initials
- Social Security and Taxpayer Identification Numbers: redact to the last four digits
- Financial Account Numbers: redact to the last four digits
- Home Addresses: redact to city and state
- Passport and Driver License Numbers: redact in their entirety
How do I file a sealed case?
Sealed cases are not eligible for electronic case-opening. All documents in sealed cases must be filed with the Clerk in paper format. See L.R. 79-5.2.1.
What if I forgot to indicate related case(s) on the civil cover sheet?
File a Notice of Related Cases (see Local Rule 83-1.3).
Can I open a case 24 hours a day, 7 days a week?
Yes. A case will be deemed filed on the date the electronic submission of the complaint, including all exhibits and attachments to that complaint, is completed, according to Pacific Standard Time or Pacific Daylight Time, whichever is in effect.
What other documents must be filed concurrently in electronic format when I open a civil case electronically?
In CIVIL cases, a Civil Cover Sheet (Form CV-71) and a Notice of Interested Parties (Form CV-30; see L.R. 7.1-1) are required. It may also be necessary to file the following documents, depending on your case: Corporate Disclosure Statement (see Fed. R. Civ. P. 7.1; L.R. 7.1-1); Report on the Filing or Determination of an Action Regarding a Patent or Trademark (Form AO-120); Report on the Filing or Determination of an Action or Appeal Regarding a Copyright (Form AO-121); Notice of Related Cases (see L.R. 83-1.3); Notice of Pendency of Other Actions or Proceedings (see L.R. 83-1.4); Notice of Appearance (Form G-123); Consent to Proceed Before a U.S. Magistrate Judge; Request to Proceed In Forma Pauperis or Without Prepayment of Fees (Form CV-60 or CV-60P); Application of Non-Resident Attorney to Appear in a Specific Case Pro Hac Vice (Form G-64).
In MISCELLANEOUS cases, you may also be required to file one or more of the forms listed above.
What types of criminal duty matters are designated for the Pilot Project?
Pursuant to General Order No. 19-01, criminal duty matters designated for the Pilot Project include all documents filed by the United States Attorney’s Office in criminal duty matters EXCEPT:
- Complaints and other charging documents;
- Affidavits re: Out-of-District Arrest Warrants filed under Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 5(c)(3);
- Documents filed concurrently with such charging documents or affidavits;
- All Central Violations Bureau (“CVB”) matters; and
- Any criminal duty matter handled by a district judge.
Details regarding the Pilot Project can be found here.
Can a complaint and an application for a search warrant be submitted in paper format at the Criminal Intake window together because they're related?
Yes. Under General Order No. 19-01, documents filed concurrently with complaints MUST be filed together with the complaint in paper at the Clerk’s Office filing window.
When should an agent proceed to the chambers of the duty magistrate judge?
An agent must not proceed to the chambers of the duty magistrate judge until the AUSA receives authorization by the MJ CRD or chambers staff.
How many copies should an agent bring to the duty magistrate judge when seeking to obtain a search/seizure warrant?
The agent must bring two (2) copies (original and one copy) of the application and any other e-filed documents (e.g., Proposed Warrant, and if applicable, a completed Delayed-Notice Search Warrant Report (Form AO-95), Application for Leave to File Under Seal, and Proposed Order for Leave to File Under Seal).
Once I open a new criminal duty matter and obtain a case number, how long do I have to e-file my Application (case initiating document)?
You must file your Application electronically within 2 business days to complete the opening of your new case. Otherwise, the case you just opened may be administratively closed.
Who can request and obtain from the Clerk's Office a certified copy of a sealed document that was e-filed in a criminal duty matter?
A certified copy can only be provided to the attorney of record on the docket. Otherwise, a court order is required in accordance with Local Rule 79-7.
To obtain a certified copy of a sealed document that was e-filed in a criminal duty matter under the Criminal Duty Matters Electronic Filing Pilot Project, the Assistant United States Attorney on the case must send a request to the appropriate email address below:
- Los Angeles Records Department:
- Riverside Records Department:
- Santa Ana Records Department:
The request must identify the case number and the name of the person who will be picking up the certified copy of the criminal duty matter filing from a Clerk's Office Records department. The person picking up a certified copy of the criminal duty matter filing must bring a copy of the email and their ID card so that the certified copy of the criminal duty matter filing can be given to the right person. A court order is required for anyone other than the Assistant United States Attorney on the case to obtain a certified copy of a sealed document that was e-filed in a criminal duty matter under the Criminal Duty Matters Electronic Filing Pilot Project. A court order is also required for anyone to obtain a certified copy of a sealed document filed in a criminal duty matter outside the scope of the Criminal Duty Matters Electronic Filing Pilot Project.
Do I need to enter the case number on all my e-filed documents?
Yes, the case number you receive (e.g., 2:17-MJ-12345) during the case opening process must appear on all your e-filed documents. Immediately after opening your case, you must add your case number to the caption of all documents you intend to file in the case, before you upload any of those documents to the docket.
Which types of Application for an Order under 18 U.S.C. § 2703 can be e-filed pursuant to the Criminal Duty Matters E-Filing Pilot Project?
All of them. Under General Order No. 19-01, any type of application filed under 18 U.S.C. § 2703 should be e-filed, unless filed concurrently with a charging document.
What should I do if I discover an error(s) in my e-filed document?
If you notice the error immediately, and can quickly prepare and file an amended or corrected version of your document, you may do so. If you decide to re-file your document(s), use the appropriate CM/ECF events under the AUSA - Criminal Duty Matters category and select "Amended" or "Corrected" as the description from the drop-down menu in the system-delivered docket text.
HOWEVER, DO NOT FILE A "NOTICE OF ERRATA" – AT LEAST UNTIL AFTER THE CLERK’S OFFICE HAS PERFORMED ITS INITIAL REVIEW OF THE CASE. For a brief time after filing, while your application will be sealed, your case will not. Only events in the AUSA - Criminal Duty Matters category will automatically seal documents filed when the case is first opened. If you e-file a Notice of Errata using the generic Notice of Errata event before the Clerk’s Office performs its initial review of the case – which is when the entire case will be sealed – the Notice of Errata will be available to the public.
If you do not notice the error immediately, or cannot fix it immediately, wait until after the Clerk’s Office has performed its initial review of the case. Certain errors will result in the issuance of a Notice to Filer of Deficiencies and the administrative closure of the case. If your case is closed, do not re-file your corrected document in the closed case. Instead, open a new case electronically and e-file the correct document(s) with the new case number. Documents filed in administratively closed cases after the issuance of a Notice to Filer of Deficiencies will not be reviewed.
If your case is not closed during the initial review process, then once Clerk’s Office staff have sealed the case, you may file either a Notice of Errata or an amended/corrected version of your document.
In some instances I need to send a search warrant application to a district judge instead of the duty magistrate judge. Should I follow the same e-filing procedure?
No. If the district judge indicates the intent to review your search warrant application him- or herself, it must be presented for filing in paper format at the Criminal Intake window. The agent must notify the Criminal Intake clerk that the district judge assigned to a related criminal case has instructed that the search warrant application should be presented to that district judge instead of to a magistrate judge.
Can any member of the USAO access the CM/ECF AUSA - Criminal Duty Matters events to e-file the designated criminal duty matters documents with the court?
No. Access to the CM/ECF AUSA - Criminal Duty Matters events is only available to AUSA CM/ECF users designated as Participating Filers. The USAO must give advance notice to the Clerk’s Office at ecf-helpdesk@cacd.uscourts.gov of the names of AUSA CM/ECF users who need access to the AUSA - Criminal Duty Matters events. To expedite processing of access requests, emails requesting access must originate from or copy Leo Martinez.
How do I add or remove an AUSA to a case?
To add or remove an AUSA in a case, electronically file a Notice of Appearance or Withdrawal of Counsel (Form G-123). Only an AUSA previously granted access in a specific case can e-file a Notice of Appearance or Withdrawal of Counsel in that case.
What should I do if I discover there is a duplicate e-filing of the same case initiating document?
The AUSA must e-file a notice to dismiss/terminate in one of the duplicate cases.
Should a returned search/seizure warrant be e-filed or filed in paper format at the Criminal Intake window?
The returned search/seizure warrant must be e-filed if the case was initiated pursuant to the Criminal Duty Matters Electronic Filing Pilot Project (case opened on or after March 20, 2017).
In cases that were initiated manually prior to the Criminal Duty Matters Electronic Filing Pilot Project (cases opened before March 20, 2017), the returned search/seizure warrant must be filed in paper format at the Criminal Intake window.
What if I have a technical issue or problem during the e-filing process?
The Court’s CM/ECF Helpdesk is available via telephone or e-mail Monday - Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
The phone number is: (213) 894-0242
The email address is ecf-helpdesk@cacd.uscourts.gov
What should I do if an Application is denied?
Generally, amended or revised versions of previously filed Applications should be electronically filed under the same case number, whether or not the previous Application was formally denied, unless the judge directs otherwise. If you are not sure how to proceed, please check with the judge's CRD.
For a search warrant application, should the notification email include a Word cover sheet and affidavit in one attachment?
No. Under General Order No. 19-01, it is generally not necessary to attach any documents to the notice email. However, you should check your judge’s Procedures and Schedules. If your judge requires that copies be emailed, the warrant and application should be emailed to chambers as flattened, single PDF documents. First, you would send one flattened (not fillable) PDF document that includes the warrant, attachments A and B, and the affidavit, if appropriate. Second, you would send one that has the application, attachments A & B, and the affidavit. This would be done instead of sending chambers the face page as one document and the affidavit as a different one. A sealing application and proposed order must also be sent as flattened PDF documents.
What are the benefits and features of using CM/ECF?
There are a number of significant benefits and features:
Courts can allow registered attorneys to file documents 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Full case information is available immediately to attorneys, parties, and the general public through the Internet. This includes the ability to view the full text of filed documents.
Attorneys on the system will receive email notices electronically in CM/ECF cases. This greatly speeds delivery and eliminates the costs to both the court and attorneys of handling and mailing paper notices.
Multiple parties can view the same case files simultaneously.
Since CM/ECF uses Internet standard software, the out-of-pocket cost of participation for attorneys is typically very low.
Does the Court permit e-mail address updates by e-mail? If so, what is the e-mail address to which such requests should be sent, what information does the Court need to include in the e-mail? Does the Court permit multiple requests in a single e-mail?
Attorneys may update individual records (i.e. Attorney name, firm name, street address, telephone number, email address & facsimile number), themselves. Please click here for instructions on Updating the Attorney's Personal Profile Online.
In addition, a notice of change of attorney information, form G-6, must also be filed on each pending case, Local Rule 83-2.7.
Why Electronic Case Files?
Judges, court staff, and public have the capability to access electronic docket information, case management data and legal research materials. As most documents are initially created in electronic form, the federal courts can further reduce the reliance on paper records by establishing electronic case file systems. These systems should enhance the accuracy, management and security of records, and reduce delays in the flow of information.
Does a mandatory chambers copy require blue backing, labels, or any other noticing?
A mandatory chambers copy must comply with Local Rule 11-3 (i.e., blue-backing, font size, page numbering, exhibit tabbing, etc.) or as otherwise directed by the assigned judge. The mandatory chambers copy must be prominently labeled MANDATORY CHAMBERS COPY on the face page. The mandatory chambers copy must include the NEF as the last page of the document.
What is CM/ECF?
CM/ECF is a comprehensive case management system that allows courts to maintain electronic case files and offer electronic filing online. For more information, please refer to https://www.cacd.uscourts.gov/e-filing.
What documents should be filed manually (or traditionally) in paper?
Please refer to Local Rule 5-4.2 and Local Criminal Rule 49-1.2 for direction as to which documents should be filed traditionally (or manually) in paper.
The Proposed Order link is not working. How can I send the Word/WordPerfect proposed document to the Judge?
Please contact the CM/ECF Helpdesk for assistance.
Where can I locate the cost of filing a document in the Central District Court?
The information can be located on the Court's website. Click here for Fee Schedule information.
What if I forgot to attach state court pleadings to my notice of removal when I docketed the lead event?
You must immediately file the state court pleadings as an Exhibit in Support of the Notice of Removal.
What is the procedure for requesting a modification to the default “summary” e-mail notification setting associated with the individual attorney record?
Attorneys may choose to receive Notices of Electronic Filing ("NEFs") in either "summary" or "individual" form. While logged in, click "Utilities," then "Maintain Your E-Mail Address," then select the email address for which you want to adjust the settings. Choices will appear under "configuration options."
What information is required on address label when mailing a mandatory chambers copy of an electronically filed document via Federal Express or other overnight delivery service to Judges who require a mandatory chambers copy delivered to their Chambers?
The following information must be included. Do NOT address the package to "Clerk's Office" as this will delay delivery to the judge.
U. S. District Court
Chambers of Judge ___________________
Courthouse Address and Room Number*
City, State, Zip Code
U. S. District Court
Chambers of Judge John Smith
255 East Temple Street, Suite 1234
Los Angeles, CA 90012
*Courthouse addresses and room numbers for the Judge’s chambers are available on the Judges' Procedures and Schedules page. Do not use the courtroom number.
Other requirements:
- Check the box FedEx Priority Overnight to ensure package is delivered the next business morning.
- Check the box "No Signature Required" under Residential Delilvery Signature Options.
Where should a mandatory chambers copy of an e-filed document be delivered?
Refer to "Mandatory Chambers Copies on E-Filed Documents" link on the Court's website.
What types of cases are designated for electronic filing?
All civil and criminal cases are designated for electronic filing. All documents must be filed electronically unless exempted by Local Rule 5-4.2 or Local Criminal Rule 49-1.2.
What is an electronic signature?
Electronic signature refers to the signature of an electronically filed document based on (1) the CM/ECF User's login and password and (2) the person's representative signature "/S/ - Name" or a digitized personalized signature or facsimile signature on the signature line of the document.
Please refer to Local Rule 5-4.3.4 for instructions as to electronic signatures of the filing party, and/or multiple parties.
Who is responsible for redacting documents?
The responsibility for redaction of documents rests solely with the filer of the documents, not the Court. Please refer to Local Rule 5.2-1 and Local Criminal Rule 49.1-1
How can I get a copy of the events dictionary?
We apologize, but the events list is no longer available. Please utilize the CM/ECF "Search" function, which is automatically updated in real time when a new event is added or an existing event is terminated, to identify the most appropriate event.
Are proofs of service needed on electronically filed documents?
Please refer to Local Rule 5-3.2. At the conclusion of the electronic filing process you will receive a screen referred to as the NEF (Notice of Electronic Filing). At the bottom of this screen the parties to the case will be listed, with a designation of which were served electronically with the NEF. Any party not served electronically with the NEF will need to be served in the traditional manner (see Local Rule 5-3.1), and proof of service on those individuals is required (see Local Rule 5-3.2).
Which personal data identifiers should be redacted?
Social Security Numbers, Taxpayer identification numbers, names of minors, dates of birth, financial account numbers, home addresses, passport numbers, and driver license numbers. Please refer to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 5.2 and Local Rule 5.2-1.
Who developed CM/ECF?
All software for the project was developed by the Administrative Office of The United States Courts.
What is the cost for using CM/ECF?
There are no additional Court costs associated with the filing aspect of the CM/ECF system.
Are there any characters that should not be used when entering text during the e-filing sequence?
Including special characters in docket text may result in CM/ECF not allowing for future documents to link to this particular filing. When attempting to link to this filing, users may instead simply see a blank page. To avoid this, the following special characters should not be used in docket text: ` ~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ = + [ ] { } \ | : ' " < >
Why can’t I access a previous page viewed by clicking on the "Back" button?
A web browser may open multiple windows. The previous page may be open in a different window.
How do I access the Docket Report to view activity for a specific case?
While logged in to CM/ECF, click "Reports" on the menu bar at the top of the screen. Then select "Docket Sheet."
Alternatively, you may click "Query" instead of "Reports," then enter your case number.
How can I be sure I’m attaching the correct document?
When you browse to the appropriate document name, highlight the document name and right click it. Then click “open.” This will open the document so you can see whether or not you’ve chosen the right document. If it’s the correct one, close the image and double click on the file name to attach it in the browse screen.
How do I attach a document to an entry?
When prompted to attach a document during the filing process, click on the “browse” button and locate the folder on your computer system where the PDF document you want to attach has been saved. Then select the name of the document or pleading to be e-filed and double click on the image file or click “open.” The file path to the document appears in the box that says “file name.” If you do not have any additional attachments to the main document click on the “Next” button.
If you have additional documents to attach to the main document, click "Yes" next to the radio button that states, “Attachments to Document.” Select the “Browse” button to search for the file name of the document to be attached.
In the field for category type, select the dropdown arrow and a list of options will be displayed. Select the type of attachment (e.g., appendix, exhibit, etc.). If none of the selections apply, do not select anything in the dropdown menu.
You must enter a description for the attachment in the description box. Click the “Add to List” button so the description will appear in the docket text and when looking at the separate attachments. This enables the Court and counsel to know exactly what the attachment is (i.e., Motion for Summary Judgment pages 25-50, Exhibits 2-10, etc.). If the description is not there, only “(Attachments:) 1, 2, 3, 4,” etc. will display on the docket entry and in the attachment list.
The system will add the selected document as an attachment to the document. The file name of each new attachment will appear in the window next to the “Add to List” button. Once all attachments have been added to the attachment window, select the “next” button to proceed to the next screen.
What hardware and software will attorneys need to participate in CM/ECF?
Visit our Software and Hardware requirements page for details.
How can I learn who is receiving Notices of Electronic Filing in a case, and who is not, so I know who I need to serve by other means?
Click “Utilities” on the menu bar at the top of the screen. On the resulting screen, under “Miscellaneous,” click “Mailings,” then “Mailing Info for a Case.” Enter the case number and click “Submit.”
How do I file an Audio recording or non-paper document?
Non-paper documents cannot be filed. You may only lodge a copy of a recording or other non-paper document. Please refer to Local Rule 11-5.1, Non-Paper Physical Exhibits.
Why is my CM/ECF session freezing?
There are several issues that may cause your CM session to freeze:
- If you are accessing CM/ECF through a DSL or dial-up connection, your Internet Service Provider (ISP) may be having issues and you may no longer be connected.
- Check the Court’s Website for announcements regarding CM/ECF issues. If there are no announced outages or other issues, wait for a few minutes and try e-filing again.
- If you find your session freezing after you have hit “NEXT,” try using the “Back” button to return to the previous screen and click “NEXT” again.
- If you click the “Back” button and receive a “page cannot be displayed” error message, click on the “Back” button once more. The error may mean that your document has not been attached and will need to be reattached. It may be better to start over so the issue does not happen again.
- If the freezing appears after clicking the “SUBMIT” button, please be patient. If you have a large document, it will take time for the system to upload it. If the NEF is not displayed after several minutes, check the case docket sheet to see if the document was filed successfully. If the document was not successfully filed call the CM/ECF Help Desk for assistance and DO NOT RE-FILE the documents.
How do I know if my electronic filing was successful?
The last screen you see when you electronically file a document is a copy of the Notice of Electronic Filing (NEF). If you see the NEF, you know that your filing was successful. Another way to verify your filing is to view a copy of the case docket. However, if you do this, PACER fees may be incurred.
What kind of notification does the attorney of record receive on a case?
When a non-sealed document is e-filed though CM/ECF, a Notice of Electronic Filing (“NEF”) is automatically generated and e-mailed to all attorneys of record for parties who have appeared in the case who are registered CM/ECF users, as well as to pro se parties who have chosen to register for electronic service. The NEF includes the text of the docket entry, the unique electronic document stamp, a list of the case participants receiving e-mail notification of the filing, and a hyperlink to the document filed. Clicking on the hyperlink will allow the recipient to access the document on PACER. The NEF will list all email addresses to which electronic notice was sent. CM/ECF Users can choose whether to receive one summary email listing all NEFs received in a day or an individual email for every individual NEF. For instructions on how to adjust this setting in your CM/ECF account, see www.cacd.uscourts.gov/e-filing/maintaining-current-contact-information.
Attorneys of record and pro se parties who are not registered CM/ECF Users must be served by other methods, such as U.S. mail or personal service. A traditional proof of service is required for every document served on any party by any method other than through CM/ECF. See Local Rule 5-3.2.
When a SEALED document is e-filed through CM/ECF, a NEF will be generated and emailed, alerting registered CM/ECF users in the case that the document has been filed. However, only the filing party's attorneys will be able to access the document on PACER, so the filer cannot rely on the NEF to effect service of the document. Service must be made by alternative means, and a proof of service included when the document is filed. See Local Rule 79-5.3.
Which browsers work with CM/ECF?
Click here for a list of compatible browsers.
I have logged into CM/ECF but I do not see all of the docket entries on the Docket Sheet. Why?
First, make sure that the Filed/Entered Dates on the report criteria selection screen cover the appropriate dates.
If that doesn’t solve the problem, the cache on your computer may be full. Cache is a location on your hard drive where data from your browser is stored. When you search the internet, your browser keeps track of every page you have visited and saves this information on your hard drive. If this file becomes large (i.e., many pages have been searched), the result may be a loss of data. Clear your cache for whichever browser you have been using.
What does Page Not Available mean when I use the back button during an e-filing session?
The "Page Not Available" message means that your document has been dropped from the docket entry and must be reattached. It is usually best to just start over by clicking on the Civil or Criminal Menu. However, you can just use the back button until a CM/ECF e-filing screen appears then continue your e-filing by reattaching your document(s) to the docket entry.
A document was filed in error. How can it be removed from the docket?
No changes can be made to the official docket without judicial authority.
You must file a Notice of Errata indicating that the previous filing was made in error. During the docketing of the Notice of Errata, link it to the document that was incorrectly filed. Then re-file that document as an “Amended” or “Corrected” version.
I tried to e-file a document, but while a docket entry was created, no document is attached. What should I do?
If the docket entry appears on the docket sheet but there’s no silver ball next to the document, it means the Notice of Electronic Filing was not created and counsel were not served with the docuemnt. Refile the document as an "Amended" or "Corrected" document and link to the document which was not served.
When I click on the document link in a Notice of Electronic Filing email, it prompts me for a login and password. When I enter my CM/ECF login and password, it tells me my login failed. Why? What do I do?
- In civil cases, the first time anyone (you, your staff, or anyone to whom you forward the email) clicks on a document link within an NEF, the system should display the document without requiring a login. For each subsequent viewing, you will be required to log in to PACER and be subject to incurring PACER fees.
- In criminal cases, even the first time you click on a document link within an NEF, the system will require you to enter your PACER login and password, Thongh you will not be charged the first time you view the document. For each subsequent viewing, you will be required to login to PACER and be subject to incurring PACER fees.
- Certain cases or documents (for instance, Social Security appeals) are subject to additional viewing restrictions and can only be accessed online by counsel of record. Therefore, even the first time you click on a document link within an NEF the system will require you to enter your PACER login and password. You will not be charged the first time you view a document. For each subsequent viewing, you will be required to log in to PACER and be subject to incurring PACER fees.
How do I add or modify a secondary e-mail address associated with an individual attorney record?
Attorneys may add secondary e-mail addresses to their e-filing accounts. Click here for instructions. The Court encourages attorneys to add no more than two secondary e-mail addresses.
How do I check the date and time a document was e-filed ?
This information is included in the Notice of Electronic Filing (NEF). From the docket, click the silver ball next to the docket entry for the document at issue.
How do I access the option to “View Your Transaction Log”?
While logged in to CM/ECF, click “Utilities” on the menu bar at the top of the screen. On the resulting screen, click “View Your Transaction Log” and enter the date(s) for which you want to see documents filed with your username and password.
Can I view or print a Notice of Electronic Filing from the docket?
Login to CM/ECF, then click “Reports” in the blue menu bar at the top of the screen. Select “Docket Sheet.” Enter the case number and make sure that the “Include links to notices of electronic filing” box is checked. Click “Run Report.” From the docket, click the round silver ball next to the docket entry for which you wish to view or print the Notice of Electronic Filing.
How do I receive my “free copy” of a document?
Each attorney of record in a case or pro se litigant will receive an email containing a hyperlink to a filed document. One free copy is available to each party of a case (e.g. attorney of record or pro se litigant) and any secondary address on the email information screen within CM/ECF. The free copy does not apply to transcripts.
I’m no longer attorney of record in a case but I’m still receiving the e-mail notices for the case. Why?
An attorney of record will continue to receive email notifications in a case, even after updating his or her contact information with a new email address, until the attorney is terminated from the case. To terminate yourself from a case, you may need to file a notice of withdrawal or a request for approval of substitution or withdrawal, depending on the circumstances. For further information on that subject, click here.
If you changed your email address, you may have updated “all” cases, instead of only the cases in which you are still attorney of record. Call the ECF Help Desk for assistance in updating only your current cases.
Are there any reasons why I wouldn’t receive my court generated “free copy” e-mails?
The most common reason for non-delivery of court emails is that the email has been identified as spam either by the recipient or automatically by the user’s Internet Service Provider (ISP). If a recipient inadvertently identified a previous court email as spam, the ISP may be blocking email from the court. Contact your ISP to rectify this situation. Some ISPs may automatically route court email to a junk or spam mail folder. Check the junk, or spam, mail folder and mark the email from the court as not junk mail.
The attorney may have moved or the firm changed e-mail addresses and the attorney has not updated his/her e-mail address in the system. If email begins to bounce and the Court cannot contact the attorney at the address on record, the email address is deleted. Counsel would then only receive documents by U.S. Mail at the address on record. For information about updating an attorney’s contact information, click here.
The attorney is not on the case docket as counsel of record.
The recipient may be receiving a Summary of the Notices of Electronic Filing and not the Individual Notices of Electronic Filing. There are two types of automatic notification, Summary and Individual. Some attorneys prefer to receive the summary while having their secondary addresses receive the individual. The summary is sent to an attorney just after midnight and contains all the activity in the attorney’s cases for the previous day. Individual notices are sent each time activity occurs on a case in which the attorney is counsel of record. To change this preference, go to “Utilities” on the blue menu bar at the top of the screen, click “Maintain Your E-Mail Address,” select an email address, and choose either “per filing” or “summary report” in response to the question, “How should notices be sent to this e-mail address?”
Will I be billed by PACER if I access a PDF document through the Notice of Electronic Filing (NEF) more than once?
Yes. Users are encouraged to save each document the first time it is viewed for subsequent access.
Does the one free look pertain only to the main document, or does it include all attachments?
The one free look pertains to all attachments, as well as the main document filed.
I click on the document number link and nothing happens. Why?
Try updating your browser or downloading the free Mozilla Firefox browser.
Alternatively, PDF reader software may not be installed on the computer you are using.
When I click on the link in my e-mail, why do I get a blank screen?
It is possible some of the settings on your PDF viewer are incorrect. If you are using an Adobe product, try the following: Click on Edit >> Preferences>> Internet >> uncheck Allow Fast Web View and Display PDF in Browser.
When I click on the document link in my e-mail notification (NEF), why am I prompted for a login?
If it is a Social Security case, you may need to log in so the system can verify you are an attorney of record.
If 15 days have elapsed since the document was filed, the free copy has expired and you will be required to log in. You will be charged for viewing the document.
If the link has been used, you will be charged for viewing the document.
If I forward an email notification I received to another individual will that individual be charged for viewing the document?
The document within an email notification (NEF) is accessed by a hyperlink. This hyperlink takes you to a site that will allow the first viewing to be free. The first individual to click on the hyperlink within the NEF email will not be charged. If you forward the email notification without viewing the document, the recipient of the email will be able to view the document for free. Anytime after the first viewing, a charge will be incurred to view the document. The document should be saved to a local hard drive during the first viewing.
Will I be billed by PACER if I click on the docket sheet report hyperlink located on the Notice of Electronic Filing (NEF)?
Yes. Clicking on the docket sheet hyperlink found on the NEF will cause a PACER login screen to appear if you have not already logged into PACER. Once you have completed the login screen you will be presented with the current docket sheet for that case. Access to the docket sheet will result in PACER charges. For full details regarding PACER fees, go to www.pacer.gov.
Is there an expiration with the one free look?
Yes. 15 days from the date the Notice of Electronic Filing (NEF) is sent to the recipients.
Can an attorney's support staff receive a copy of the Notice of Electronic Filing (NEF) e-mail?
Yes. Attorneys may add support staff as secondary recipients through the “Maintain Your E-Mail Address” screen on the Utilities page of CM/ECF. For more information, click here.
Who receives the automatic e-mail notification?
The e-mail notification goes to the e-mail address of the registered attorney of record in a case and to all secondary email accounts associated with the attorney’s account.
I was receiving the Notices of Electronic Filing but now I’m not. What could be the problem?
If you changed firms or email addresses and did not update your email address in the Court’s electronic filing system, your email notifications may not be going to the correct address. If the Court received “bounceback” or rejected emails and staff were unable to determine your new address, your email may have been deleted from the system. You must immediately update your account. (See Local Rule 5-4.8.1.) For detailed instructions on how to update your contact information, click here. In addition, if you are counsel of record in any cases currently pending in this district, you must file and serve Form G-06 (“Notice of Change of Attorney Business or Contact Information”) in each of your pending cases. Doing so will satisfy your notice obligation under Local Rule 83-2.4.
Even if you have not recently changed firms, if you believe you are not receiving NEFs for court filings, check your profile to make sure it is up-to-date and correct.
Who do I contact if I’m not receiving the NEFs from the Court?
First, make sure your email address is correct in the Court’s electronic filing system. If it is not, update it immediately. For detailed instructions on how to update your contact information, click here.
If your email address is correct, check with your firm’s IT Department to be sure your email is not being forwarded to someone else, and confirm that “@cacd.uscourts.gov” is not blocked through your spam software.
If none of these explains the problem, contact the CM/ECF Help Desk. They can help advise you if the issue is a Court-related problem. Otherwise, they may direct you to contact your firm’s System Administrator or IT Department. If you are a sole practitioner, you may need to contact your internet service provider (likely your cable or telephone company) or your email provider (Google, Yahoo, etc.).
What happens if I change firms or email addresses and do not update the information on the CM/ECF system right away?
Your email notifications will bounce back to the Court as non-deliverable as soon as the firm removes or deletes your old email account. If you are no longer at the address on record, the email address – and all secondary addresses associated with your account – will be deleted, your e-filing privileges will be disabled, and you will not receive electronic service of any documents until an update is made. You must contact the CM/ECF Helpdesk to reactivate your account.
Which internet browsers does the Court currently support?
Supported browsers are listed here.
Who do I contact for questions regarding software compatibility?
Your firm or company's System Administrator.
Who do I contact for e-mail attachment questions?
Your firm or company's System Administrator.
What is a plug-in?
A plug-in is an add-on piece of software that extends the capabilities of your web browser (i.e., Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, etc.). A plug-in may, for example, enable you to view files written in a format other than HTML, the language used to create internet web sites, or to listen to audio files or view videos.
What does this error mean? "ERROR: Document is malformed or contains code which may cause an external action (such as launching an application). This PDF document cannot be accepted."
The PDF file needs to be flattened prior to uploading it to CM/ECF. Follow the steps below to correct the issue.
Print to PDF (Windows)
- Open a file in a Windows application.
- Choose File > Print.
- Choose Adobe PDF as the printer in the Print dialog box.
- Click Print. Type a name for your file, and click Save.
Print to PDF (Mac OS)
The Adobe PDF printer is not available on Mac. However, you can use the Save As Adobe PDF option to print a file to PDF on Mac.
- Open a file in a Mac OS application.
- Click the PDF button and choose Save As Adobe PDF.
- Choose the Adobe PDF Settings and click Continue.
- Type a name for your file, and click Save.
After the upgrade to CM/ECF NextGen v1.6 PDFs with the following content will be rejected:
- Does not comply with PDF format standards
- Contains JavaScript
- Encrypted or password-protected
- Contains scripts which can launch an external application
- Contains internal attachments
- Contains audio and video content
- Created with Mac OS X using a fillable form in the Safari browser
- Created with Mac OS X using MS Word and selecting the option, “Best for printing”
PDFs with the following content will be accepted:
- Contains editable forms
- Contains hyperlinks to external web sites
- Meets the PDF-A standard
- Contains optical character recognition (OCR) meta-data
- Comprised of scanned documents
- Created with Mac OS X using a fillable form in the Chrome browser
- Created with Mac OS X using MS Word and selecting the option, “Best for Electronic Distribution”
Is the optimum way of viewing PDF files within the browser or in a separate window?
This is more of a matter of personal preference. Some of the functionality of the Reader is lost when the PDF document is opened in a browser window. However, most of the functions accessible either using the menu or shortcuts when the Reader opens in its own window can be accessed using the various button icons that remain available when the Reader is opened within the browser.
Why am I receiving an Internal Server Error when e-filing a PDF document?
When a PDF document that is embedded with metadata is being e-filed in CM/ECF, an Internal Server Error will occur and the process of e-filing will not complete.
Internal Server Error
The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.
Please contact the server administrator, root@localhost and inform them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have caused the error.
More information about this error may be available in the server error log.
Apache Server at ecf.cacd.uscourts.gov Port 443
Before making another attempt to e-file the same PDF document, all metadata must be completely removed from the PDF document.
In addition to Adobe Acrobat, there are other brands of commercially available software that can be used to create PDF files. Please consult the User Guide that is provided by your PDF software vendor for instructions on how to remove metadata. If you are currently using a freeware to create your PDF files, be aware that advertisements may be embedded in your PDF documents. These advertisements are also not permitted and should be removed from the PDF documents.
Please note that the Federal Judiciary does not endorse or recommend any specific PDF software. As an illustration, instructions for the removal of hyperlinks and metadata from PDF documents using Adobe Acrobat 8 are provided below.
- Open the PDF document in Adobe Acrobat 8.
- Click Document > Examine Document from the Menu Bar. The Examine Document dialog box will open.
- Any document information such as metadata, hidden text, and annotations should be automatically selected by default. If applicable, click the check box to select Check All. Then click Remove all checked items.
- A pop-up window appears and confirms the removal of the selected document information, including metadata. Click OK.
- Close the PDF document. Another pop-up window will appear and confirm saving the changes to the new document. Click Yes.
- The Save As dialog box appears. Click Save.
- A pop-up window appears. Click Yes to replace the existing file with the new file.
- All metadata have been successfully removed from the PDF document. The new document is now ready to be e-filed.
Is it possible to have the Adobe Acrobat Reader open in a separate window, one not a part of my browser; or, alternatively, if the Adobe Reader opens on my PC as a separate Window, is it possible to make it open within the browser?
The answer to both question is "yes." In Adobe Acrobat or the Adobe Reader, click on "File", then "Preferences", then "General". In the Options section at the bottom of the window labeled "General Preferences," check the box (by clicking on it if it is blank) beside "Web Browser Integration" to make a PDF document open within the browser. Uncheck that box (by clicking on it if it is checked) to cause Acrobat or the Adobe Reader to open in a separate window.
What does this error message mean? ERROR: Document contains code which may cause an external action (such as launching an application). This PDF document cannot be accepted.
If your PDF contains any password security, it will not be accepted. All PDF documents which include embedded JavaScript that use the OpenAction syntax will be rejected. Some petition preparation software contains JavaScript to perform calculations which uses OpenAction syntax. If your PDF is rejected, please contact your PDF software vendor or petition preparation vendor and speak with them regarding the use of JavaScript OpenAction syntax. OpenAction JavaScript commands can be used to track those who view a PDF and to install malware and viruses.
It may be that the PDF software you are using contains an advertisement. This is not acceptable in CM/ECF and must be removed before the document can be e-filed.
CM/ECF will not accept PDFs with any imbedded security or JavaScript code.
How do you start the Adobe Acrobat Reader program in order to view a PDF document on a website?
Adobe Acrobat Reader is a plugin that the browser will automatically launch when you try to access a document stored in PDF format. If you do not have the Adobe Reader, your computer will show you a set of applications from which to choose a program that will read the file. None of them will work, which is why you must download the Adobe Reader from Adobe Systems' website. To download a free copy of Acrobat Reader, click on http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep.html.
What does this error message mean? ERROR: Document is not a well-formed PDF document (no further information is available).
There are two possibilities for this error: First, please be sure all documents to be e-filed are in pdf format ONLY. Word or WordPerfect documents cannot be e-filed. Second, the error may be a result of manually typing in the file location of a document on your computer rather than clicking on the "browse" button to search.
I tried to scan my document into PDF but a lot of errors appeared.
Check the instructions that came with the software on your scanner. It depends on the error and the type of scanner and scanner software you are using.
How do you determine which version of Acrobat Reader is installed on your computer?
Launch Acrobat Reader, select "Help" menu option, and select "About Acrobat Reader." If you are using version 5.0.5 or higher, you do not need to upgrade. If you are using version 4 or below, please visit Adobe's website at http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html to download a free upgrade to the latest version of Acrobat Reader.
How do I make a PDF document?
There are several ways in which you can get a document from a word processing program into the PDF format. The newer versions of some common word processors include the ability to publish a document to PDF built right into the word-processing software. In WordPerfect 9 and 10, you can click on File and then "Publish to PDF" to convert your WordPerfect file (.wpd) to PDF. MS-Word (up to version XP) does NOT have this capability). Adobe, the inventors of the PDF format, can be found at http://www.adobe.com, where you can find both the free reader version of the software, which can be used to retrieve documents from CM/ECF, and the writer version, which can create documents for posting. When you've installed Acrobat, you can make PDF files right out of your word-processing software simply by "printing" the document, and selecting the "printer" called "Acrobat PDFWriter" from the drop down list of available printers. That process will actually save a file in PDF format, with a ".pdf" file extension, on your hard drive. There are many other vendors besides Adobe who provide software to create PDF documents. Please note that the Federal Judiciary does not endorse or recommend any specific PDF software. Since there are so many different applications, and we could not depict instructions for all, we have chosen to depict all our instructions with reference to Adobe.
Is it true that the only way to make a document into PDF format is by using a scanner?
No. In fact, the vast majority of documents can be easily converted to PDF format without scanning. Any document that you create on your computer can be converted to PDF by your computer as long as you have the appropriate software installed and configured properly.
What is Adobe Acrobat?
Adobe Acrobat is a commercial software product from Adobe that allows you to view and create documents in PDF (portable document format). Adobe, the inventors of the PDF format, can be found at http://www.adobe.com, where you can find both the free reader version of the software, which can be used to retrieve documents from CM/ECF, and the writer version, which can create documents for posting. There are other brands of commercially available software to create PDF files, and the CM/ECF's only requirement is that filings must be in PDF to be accepted by the CM/ECF system. All documents filed in CM/ECF must be in PDF format. The Federal Judiciary does not endorse any specific software.
My document seems to change when I make it into PDF; what's happening?
This is called "flowing". Depending on the font, the printer selected, and other characteristics of the content, a document may undergo some changes when it's rendered into PDF. If you are using an Adobe product to convert documents to PDF, visit www.adobe.com. Adobe has a set of technical documents posted on their site that refer directly to ways in which you may attempt to address flowing problems.
Another work-around is to set your PDF printer as your "Default Printer" before opening the document, then open the document, edit it to correct any format errors, save it and try printing (converting) to PDF again.
What is a PDF document?
Documents in Portable Document File (PDF) format do not require a copy of the word processing program used to create them in order to be viewed. They can be viewed by anyone with a free viewer, such as Acrobat Reader, a product of Adobe Systems, Inc. In addition to its cross platform advantage, a PDF document matches very closely the format of the original document in which the PDF document was created. All of the pleadings in the CM/ECF system are stored in PDF format. To view PDF files, you must have a PDF viewing software such as Acrobat Reader, which you may download free from the Adobe Systems Internet website http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep.html. You will view PDF documents the way they were created, and you may save and print them in that format.
PDF is the only format in which documents will be accepted in CM/ECF.
I want to copy and paste from a PDF document, but I can't seem to select any text. How do I copy and paste?
If you are using an Adobe product, you must first select the text tool (look for the T on the toolbar) instead of the hand. Then select the text, and either right-click and choose copy, or use the copy icon. If you cannot select the text, then the PDF is a scanned image. Scanned documents in PDF act just like photographs. You will not be able to copy and paste from a scanned image.
Why is the blue electronic stamp missing from the top of documents that were e-filed?
Some pdf documents, especially those that have been scanned, might contain metadata which will cause this problem. Do not re-file the document unless so directed by the Court. For future filings, please flatten or sanitize your pdf document prior to e-filing.
Why do I get the message “Error reading, linearized hint data"?
If you are using Adobe Reader the settings may need to be changed in order to view the document. Go to Edit, Preferences, Internet, and uncheck "Allow Fast Web View."
Why am I receiving an error message about embedded metadata? (using Adobe 8.x)
When a PDF document that is embedded metadata is being e-filed in CM/ECF, an Internal Server Error will occur and the process of e-filing will not complete.
Internal Server Error
The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.
Please contact the server administrator, root @ localhost and inform them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have caused the error.
More information about this error may be available in the server error log.
Apache Server at ecf.cacd.uscourts.gov Port 443
Before making another attempt to e-file the same PDF document, all metadata must be completely removed from the PDF document.
In addition to Adobe Acrobat, there are other brands of commercially available software that can be used to create PDF files. Please consult the User Guide that is provided by your PDF software vendor for instructions on how to remove metadata. If you are currently using a freeware to create your PDF files, be aware that advertisements may be embedded in your PDF documents. These advertisements are also not permitted and should be removed from the PDF documents.
Please note that the Federal Judiciary does not endorse or recommend any specific PDF software. As an illustration, instructions for the removal of hyperlinks and metadata from PDF documents using Adobe Acrobat 8 are provided below.
- Open the PDF document in Adobe Acrobat 8.
- Click Document > Examine Document from the Menu Bar. The Examine Document dialog box will open.
- Any document information such as metadata, hidden text, and annotations should be automatically selected by default. If applicable, click the check box to select Check All. Then click Remove all checked items.
- A pop-up window appears and confirms the removal of the selected document information, including metadata. Click OK.
- Close the PDF document. Another pop-up window will appear and confirm saving the changes to the new document. Click Yes.
- The Save As dialog box appears. Click Save.
- A pop-up window appears. Click Yes to replace the existing file with the new file.
- All metadata has been successfully removed from the PDF document. The new document is now ready to be e-filed. Also, close the old document.
When filing documents electronically, why do I get the message “ERROR: this document has security measures in effect"?
The system will not accept documents which have security measures turned on (for example, password protection in Adobe.) Remove the security features from the document and submit your document again.
Why am I receiving an error message about embedded metadata? (using Adobe 9)
Use the Examine Document feature to find and remove content from a document that you don’t want, such as hidden text, metadata, comments, and attachments.
If you want to examine every PDF for hidden content before you close it or send it in email, specify that option in the Documents preferences using the Preferences dialog box.
Choose Document > Examine Document.
*If items are found, they are listed in the Examine Document panel with a selected check box beside each item.
Make sure that the check boxes are selected only for the items that you want to remove from the document:
- Metadata - Metadata includes information about the document and its contents, such as the author’s name, keywords, and copyright information, that can be used by search utilities. To view metadata, choose File > Properties.
- File Attachments - Files of any format can be attached to the PDF as an attachment. To view attachments, choose View > Navigation Panel > Attachments.
- Annotations And Comments - This item includes all comments that were added to the PDF using the comment and markup tools, including files attached as comments. To view comments, choose View > Navigation Panel > Comments.
- Form Fields - This item includes form fields (including signature fields), and all actions and calculations associated with form fields. If you remove this item, all form fields are flattened and can no longer be filled out, edited, or signed.
- Hidden Text - This item indicates text in the PDF that is either transparent, covered up by other content, or the same color as the background. To view hidden text, click Preview. Click the double-arrow buttons to navigate pages that contain hidden text, and select options to show hidden text, visible text, or both.
- Hidden Layers - PDFs can contain multiple layers that can be shown or hidden. Removing hidden layers removes these layers from the PDF and flattens remaining layers into a single layer. To view layers, choose View > Navigation Panel > Layers.
- Bookmarks - Bookmarks are links with representational text that open specific pages in the PDF. To view bookmarks, choose View > Navigation Panel > Bookmarks.
- Embedded Search Index - An embedded search index speeds up searches in the file. To determine if the PDF contains a search index, choose Advanced > Document Processing > Manage Embedded Index. Removing indexes decreases file size but increases search time for the PDF.
- Deleted Hidden Page And Image Content - PDFs sometimes retain content that has been removed and which is no longer visible, such as cropped or deleted pages, or deleted images.
Click Remove to delete selected items from the file, and click OK.
Note: When you remove checked items, additional items are automatically removed from the document: digital signatures; document information added by third-party plug-ins and applications; and special features that enable Adobe Reader users to review, sign, and fill in PDF documents.
Choose File > Save, and specify a filename and location. If you don’t want to overwrite the original file, save the file to a different name, location, or both.
The selected content is permanently removed when you save the file. If you close the file without saving it, you must repeat this process, making sure to save the file.
When I print my PDF document, why is it a mirror image?
If using Adobe Acrobat 5, make the following adjustment, select the Print command, check the box next to the option "Print as Image" which is located in the print status window next to the printer name. If using Adobe Acrobat 6, select the Print command then select the "Advanced" button located at the bottom left corner of the print status window, then select "Print as Image." You may want to turn this setting off when printing in the future because it can slow down a large print job.
Why am I receiving an error message about embedded metadata? (using Adobe 10)
How to remove hidden metadata in PDF documents with a single click.
When docketing in CM/ECF using Mozilla Firefox, the system does not accept PDF documents with hidden metadata. Attempting to attach such documents would present the following error message: “ERROR: This document contains embedded links (annotations and/ or metadata). This PDF document cannot be accepted.” As a result, you must remove hidden metadata on PDF documents before uploading it in CM/ECF.
There are many ways to remove hidden metadata on PDF documents. One method would be to “sanitize document.” The “sanitize document” removes sensitive information with a single click, including comments, metadata, links, form fields and more. Please note that the Federal Judiciary does not endorse or recommend any specific PDF software. However, as an illustration, for Adobe Acrobat version 10.1.3, follow these steps to sanitize a PDF document:
- Open the document in Adobe Acrobat
- Click View located on the menu bar
- Select Tools
- Select Protection
- Click Sanitize Document and a new window appears
- Rename the file and click Save
Why are my PDF documents blank when I print them?
It's possible you will need to install a postscript print driver. These drivers are available from your printer manufacturer’s website.
I am using Adobe Acrobat 5. When I try to view PDF documents in CM/ECF, I see a blank screen. How can I fix this?
In Adobe 5.0 or 6.0, make the following changes:
- Go to Edit, Preferences, Options
- Uncheck "Display PDF in browser"
- Uncheck "allow fast web view"
Can I use Adobe Acrobat 5.0?
The Administrative Office(AO) of the United States Courts' CM/ECF Development Team extensively tested and evaluated the capabilities and compatibility of the Adobe Acrobat version 5.0 with the CM/ECF service. These test results indicate that court personnel and lawyers can use Version 5 PDF documents without adverse effects to CM/ECF. It should be noted that CM/ECF does not endorse any specific software, just the use of the PDF.
Why are my PDF documents blank when I print them?
It's possible you will need to install a postscript print driver. These drivers are available from your printer manufacturer’s website.
I am using Adobe Acrobat 5. When I try to view PDF documents in CM/ECF, I see a blank screen. How can I fix this?
In Adobe 5.0 or 6.0, make the following changes:
- Go to Edit, Preferences, Options
- Uncheck "Display PDF in browser"
- Uncheck "allow fast web view"
Please visit the PACER website for answers to the most commonly asked questions about the transition to NextGen: https://www.pacer.gov/nextgen. Answers to a few additional questions are set forth below.
I linked my account when the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals converted. Will I have to link my account again?
Yes. After the district court upgrades on February 18, 2020, you will need to link your PACER account to your district court CM/ECF account before you can e-file in the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California. This linking process must be completed once for each NextGen court where you have an account. You will be prompted to link you account the first time you log in to CM/ECF on or after February 18, 2020. Step-by-step instructions to link your accounts are available here.
What happens to my CM/ECF account after the court transitions to NextGen?
After the court upgrades to NextGen, you must link your current CM/ECF account to your PACER account. After the accounts are linked, you will no longer use your CM/ECF username or password.
I am a CJA attorney and I currently have two PACER accounts. Will I continue to need two accounts with NextGen?
CJA attorneys will only need one PACER account for filing and viewing in CM/ECF NextGen. If you have a separate exempt CJA account now, those exempt privileges will be added to your individual upgraded PACER account and your current exempt account will be canceled. Please visit https://www.pacer.gov/ecfcbt/cso/index.html (look for the “Activating CJA Privileges” and “CJA Exempt Status Instructions” Electronic Learning Modules) for more details.
How do I continue to file in other courts that are not on NextGen?
You will continue to use the CM/ECF login and password issued to you by an individual court to electronically file in that court’s CM/ECF system.