Proposed Documents

Pursuant to Local Rule 5-4.4 and Local Criminal Rule 49-1.3.2(c), parties submitting proposed orders or other proposed documents that require the Court's signature must, unless exempted from electronic filing, both lodge the document in PDF format and e-mail a word-processing version of the document to chambers, as follows:
- A proposed order or other proposed document that accompanies an electronic filing shall be included as an attachment (in PDF format) to the main electronically filed document (such as a motion, stipulation, application, etc.).
- A proposed order or other proposed document that is not filed with a main document shall be electronically filed as an attachment (in PDF format) to a Notice of Lodging, which, if the proposed document is being submitted in response to a court order, shall be linked to the order directing the preparation of the proposed document.
- Every proposed document shall also, after it has been lodged, be e-mailed to the assigned judge's generic chambers e-mail address using the CM/ECF System, in Word or WordPerfect format. In CM/ECF, click on "Utilities" and select "Proposed Orders" under "Proposed Orders to Chambers and Clerk's Office."