Technical General Web Related Questions

  • Who do I contact if I’m not receiving the NEFs from the Court?

    First, make sure your email address is correct in the Court’s electronic filing system.  If it is not, update it immediately.  For detailed instructions on how to update your contact information, click here.

    If your email address is correct, check with your firm’s IT Department to be sure your email is not being forwarded to someone else, and confirm that “” is not blocked through your spam software.

    If none of these explains the problem, contact the CM/ECF Help Desk.  They can help advise you if the issue is a Court-related problem.  Otherwise, they may direct you to contact your firm’s System Administrator or IT Department.  If you are a sole practitioner, you may need to contact your internet service provider (likely your cable or telephone company) or your email provider (Google, Yahoo, etc.).

  • What happens if I change firms or email addresses and do not update the information on the CM/ECF system right away?

    Your email notifications will bounce back to the Court as non-deliverable as soon as the firm removes or deletes your old email account.  If you are no longer at the address on record, the email address – and all secondary addresses associated with your account – will be deleted, your e-filing privileges will be disabled, and you will not receive electronic service of any documents until an update is made.  You must contact the CM/ECF Helpdesk to reactivate your account.

  • Which internet browsers does the Court currently support?

    Supported browsers are listed here.

  • Who do I contact for questions regarding software compatibility?

    Your firm or company's System Administrator.

  • Who do I contact for e-mail attachment questions?

    Your firm or company's System Administrator.

  • What is a plug-in?

    A plug-in is an add-on piece of software that extends the capabilities of your web browser (i.e., Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, etc.).  A plug-in may, for example, enable you to view files written in a format other than HTML, the language used to create internet web sites, or to listen to audio files or view videos.

  • I was receiving the Notices of Electronic Filing but now I’m not. What could be the problem?

    If you changed firms or email addresses and did not update your email address in the Court’s electronic filing system, your email notifications may not be going to the correct address.  If the Court received “bounceback” or rejected emails and staff were unable to determine your new address, your email may have been deleted from the system.  You must immediately update your account.  (See Local Rule 5-4.8.1.)  For detailed instructions on how to update your contact information, click here.  In addition, if you are counsel of record in any cases currently pending in this district, you must file and serve Form G-06 (“Notice of Change of Attorney Business or Contact Information”) in each of your pending cases.  Doing so will satisfy your notice obligation under Local Rule 83-2.4.

    Even if you have not recently changed firms, if you believe you are not receiving NEFs for court filings, check your profile to make sure it is up-to-date and correct.