Honorable George H. Wu

United States Courthouse, 350 West 1st Street, Los Angeles, CA, 90012, Courtroom 9D, 9th Floor
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- Telephone: (669) 254-5252
- Webinar ID: 161 225 8543
- Passcode: 323145
Recording, copying, photographing and rebroadcasting of court proceedings is prohibited by federal law. A violation of this prohibition may result in sanctions, including suspension of your license to practice before this court, referral to the state bar, denial of the right to appear by video or telephonically at future proceedings, criminal prosecution, contempt, denial of admission to future hearings, and any other sanctions deemed necessary by the Court.
Civil motions are heard on: Monday and Thursday at 8:30 a.m.:
Tentative rulings are issued in advance of the hearing date but may be available with the clerk on the day of the hearing.
It is not necessary to clear a motion date with the court clerk prior to filing the motion, except motions for summary judgment, to dismiss, or preliminary injunctions. Any Monday or Thursday that is not a federal holiday shall be considered an available date.
If Monday or Thursday is a holiday, the next motion date is the next available Monday or Thursday.
Discovery motions are to be calendared before the Magistrate Judge.
Mandatory chambers copies: Chambers copies are not required at the moment.
Criminal matters are heard on: Thursday and Monday at 8:00 a.m.:
All documents which are required to be filed in an electronic format pursuant to General Order No. 10-07 shall be filed electronically, on the date due unless otherwise ordered by the Court. Any documents which counsel attempt to file electronically which are improperly filed will not be accepted by the Court.
The Court will not consider any stipulation or application to continue any hearing unless such stipulation or application is properly filed with a separate proposed order at least three calendar days prior to the date of the hearing. If the stipulation/application for continuance was not filed at least three days prior to the date of the hearing, or if the Court has not ruled on the stipulation/application, counsel and the defendant(s) shall appear on the scheduled hearing date.
Continuances are granted only upon a showing of good cause. Requests for continuances must be made by motion, stipulation, or application with a separate proposed order accompanied by a declaration setting forth the reasons for the requested continuance. The declaration should also include whether there have been any prior requests for continuances and whether these requests were granted or denied by the Court. Stipulations extending dates set by this Court are not effective unless approved by the Court. Requests for continuance should be submitted well in advance of the requested relief. Requests for continuance not in compliance with the Court's Standing Order or the Local Rules for the Central District of California will be denied.
Filing civil documents under seal: Refer to "Preparing Sealed Documents for Filing" located under Filing Procedures on the Court's website.
General Information
All filed documents must contain counsel's e-mail address (pursuant to Local Rule 11-3.8).
Telephonic appearances for hearings in Court are permitted only if matter need not be reported or if the attorneys do not wish to make any oral argument. Request shall made by contacting the court clerk at javier_gonzalez@cacd.uscourts.gov no later than two (2) days prior to scheduled hearing.
Ex parte applications are for extraordinary relief. (See Mission Power Engineering Co. v. Continental Casualty Co., 883 F. Supp. 488 (C.D. Cal. 1995). Ex parte applications are normally considered on the papers and are rarely set for hearing. If a hearing is necessary, the parties will be notified. The moving party shall immediately serve the opposing party by fax or hand service and shall notify the opposing party that any opposition must be filed not later than 24 hours after the filing of the ex parte application. A conformed mandatory chambers copy of moving, opposition, or notice of non-opposition papers are to be delivered to the judge's mail box outside the Clerk's Office of the 1st Street Courthouse. Clerk will notify counsel of the Court’s ruling. Sanctions may be imposed for misuse of ex parte applications.
Counsel is not permitted to contact the judge’s law clerks or secretary unless responding to an inquiry they initiated.
Calls will not be returned regarding the status of submitted motions, stipulations, or proposed orders. Sufficient copies of any forms of order should be provided for conforming along with a self-addressed, stamped envelope (not more than two). Counsel may also determine the status of any submitted motion, stipulation, or proposed order by accessing the docket sheet through PACER.
For general information on how to order a transcript of any reported or digitally recorded proceeding, please contact 213-894-3015 or visit the court website (www.cacd.uscourts.gov) section referring to Court Reporter/Recorder Transcripts. If you require an estimate of cost for the preparation of a transcript, contact the court reporter/recorder for the desired proceeding.
To determine the court reporter/recorder for a particular proceeding, go to the Court Reporter Schedule web page and click on View by Date. Once you've determined the correct court reporter/recorder for the desired session, click on Court Reporter Phone and Email List for contact information.
Counsel is directed to the section under "Services" on the Court's website for reserving equipment for trial. Prior to calling Space & Facilities to set up an appointment, counsel shall contact the Courtroom Deputy Clerk to arrange for a date and time for any training or set up of equipment in the Courtroom.
Counsel who need to make special arrangements to bring in equipment or voluminous materials in to Court for trial shall contact the Space & Facilities Help Desk at (213) 894-1400.
The Court requires the following to be submitted to the Courtroom Deputy Clerk on the first day of trial:
The original exhibits with the Court’s exhibit tags for the Court Clerk. One (1) copy for the Judge, One (1) copy for the witness and one (1) copy for opposing party. Plaintiff shall use yellow tags; defendant shall use blue tags. Each tag shall be affixed to the front of the exhibit. Exhibit tags can be obtained from the Clerk’s Office.
One bench book with a copy of each exhibit for the Court’s use, tagged as described above.
Three (3) copies of exhibit lists (Courtroom Deputy Clerk will instruct at pretrial conference as to format).
Three (3) copies of witness lists in the order in which the witnesses will be called to testify (Courtroom Deputy Clerk will instruct at pretrial conference as to format).
All exhibits will be returned to counsel at the end of trial and will not be kept by the Court. Counsel shall keep the lodged and admitted exhibits in their possession pursuant to Local Rules 79-3 and 79-4.
It is the responsibility of counsel in a civil case to arrange for the services of an Interpreter. Interpreter’s Office: (213) 894-4599.
Other information: Counsel is directed to comply with all Local Rules.
If counsel has received a “Notice to Parties of Court-Directed ADR Program” (form ADR-08), the Court will presumptively refer the case to the Court Mediation Panel or to private mediation at the time of the initial scheduling conference. See General Order 11-10, § 5.1. Counsel should include their shared or separate views regarding a preference for the Court Mediation Panel or private mediation, and when the mediation should occur, in the written report required by Fed.R.Civ.P. 26(f) and Civil L.R. 26-1. For information about the Court’s ADR Program, please see General Order 11-10 which can be found in the “General Orders” section and on the “ADR” page of the Court’s website.
For information regarding ELMO reservations and/or training please visit the court website (www.cacd.uscourts.gov) section referring to Courtroom Technology. Alternatively, you may contact the Courtroom Technology Help Desk at 213-894-3061.