Honorable Mark C. Scarsi

All proceedings are now being held in person in Courtroom 7C.
CRIMINAL MATTERS are heard on Mondays at 3:00 p.m.
If Monday is a holiday, the next available hearing date is the following Monday. It is not necessary to clear a motion date with the Courtroom Deputy Clerk ("CRD") before filing the motion. Closed motion dates can be found on Judge Scarsi's Procedures and Schedules page.
Counsel are advised to review and adhere to the Central District's Civility and Professionalism Guidelines. See www.cacd.uscourts.gov, Attorneys, Attorney Admissions, Civility and Professionalism Guidelines. All filings should conform to the applicable requirements specified by Local Rule 11. All papers filed with the Court must conform to Local Rule 11-3.1.1, which generally requires typeface of 14 point or larger for Times New Roman and 12 point or larger for Courier. All discovery motions and stipulations, including those relating to protective orders, are to be calendared before the magistrate judge whose initials appear in parentheses after the case number.
Continuances are granted only on a showing of good cause. Requests for continuances must be by motion, stipulation or application and must be accompanied by a declaration setting forth the reasons for the requested continuance. The declaration also should include whether there have been any previous requests for continuances and whether these requests were granted or denied by the Court. Stipulations extending dates set by this Court are not effective unless approved by the Court. Continuances will not be granted routinely.
If counsel has a conflicting appearance in the court of a more senior district judge, counsel must e-mail the CRD, at least 3 days in advance, indicating the time of the appearance, the case name and the name of the other judge. On the day of the appearance, if possible, request the other district judge's CRD to update Judge Scarsi's CRD as to when counsel will be appearing in Judge Scarsi's courtroom.
The Court may permit appearances by telephone for status conferences and scheduling conferences upon a showing that a personal appearance will cause undue hardship. Only rarely will the Court permit appearances by telephone for oral argument on motions. If you wish to appear by telephone, you must (1) notify opposing counsel that you wish to appear telephonically, (2) file a Request to Appear Telephonically and Proposed Order at least three court days in advance of the scheduled appearance, (3) provide the CRD with the telephone number at which the Court can reach you, and (4) be available at that number for at least one-half hour before and one-half hour after the time of the scheduled hearing.
It is the responsibility of counsel, in a civil case, to arrange for the services of an interpreter. Interpreter's Office (213) 894-4599.
All requests from the media should be directed to the Court's Communication Specialist at (213) 894-0222. The CRD will not return calls from the media or answer questions from the media. The media are directed to check the Court's electronic record at www.cacd.uscourts.gov, Newsworthy, as well as the docket sheet on PACER for current information.
For Judge Scarsi's case management, scheduling and trial procedures, see the Orders below.
Counsel shall e-file all civil and criminal and civil filings pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 5(d)(3) and Local Rule 5-4 as follows:
All non-signature items shall be E-FILED in PDF format. All proposed signature items shall be E-FILED as an attachment to the main document in PDF format. All proposed signature items shall be E-MAILED to the chambers e-mail address at mcs_chambers@cacd.uscourts.gov in WORD format. ONLY proposed order signature items should be emailed to the chambers' e-mail address. Do NOT e-mail other associated documents, and do NOT use this e-mail address for communication with the Court or the Clerk.
Ex parte applications are solely for extraordinary relief and are rarely granted. See Mission Power Eng’g Co. v. Cont’l Cas. Co., 883 F. Supp. 488 (C.D. Cal. 1995). All ex parte applications must be sent in PDF version to mcs_chambers@cacd.uscourts.gov along with a Word version of the proposed order. Both the e-mail to the Court and the application should advise whether opposing counsel will be filing an opposition. Ex parte applications that fail to conform to Local Rule 7-19, including a statement of opposing counsel’s position, will not be considered, except on a specific showing of good cause.
Counsel for the applicant must provide advance notice of the application by telephone and email to all other parties. In addition to the information required by Local Rule 7-19.1, the notice must advise the other parties of the anticipated deadline to oppose the application. The applicant must serve the application by facsimile, email, or personal service, even if electronic service is effected under Local Rule 5-3.2.1.
Oppositions to ex parte applications must be filed within 24 hours of the filing of the application, subject to Rule 6(a)(2). If an opposing party does not intend to oppose the ex parte application, counsel must inform the Courtroom Deputy Clerk by telephone or email as soon as possible.
If counsel has received a "Notice to Parties of Court-Directed ADR Program" (form ADR-08), the Court will presumptively refer the case to the Court Mediation Panel or to a private mediation at the time of the initial scheduling conference. See General Order 11-10, § 5.1. Counsel are directed to furnish and discuss this Notice with their clients in preparation for the parties' Fed.R.Civ.P. 26(f) conference. Counsel should include their shared or separate views regarding a preference for the Court Mediation Panel or private mediation, and when the mediation should occur, in the written report required by Fed.R.Civ.P. 26(f) and Civil L.R. 26-1. For information about the Court's ADR program, please see General Order 11-10, which is located at Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR).
Civil Matters: Counsel are ORDERED to follow the procedures outlines in L.R. 79-5.2.2.
Criminal Matters:
Electronically file the application to seal and/or declaration giving notice or proof of service. During the electronic filing process, attach the proposed order to the application. (Standard procedure for filing any application with a proposed order). Proposed order shall have an alternative signature line in case it's denied:
1. Counsel shall publically file the document(s), if the party wants the Court to consider the document(s);
(Add an option below for return of documents)
2. Attorney shall retrieve the chambers copy of the document(s); or,
3. Clerk destroys the chambers copy of the document(s).
After electronically filing the application and proof of service, send an e-mail to the chambers generic e-mail at mcs_Chambers@cacd.uscourts.gov, containing an Adobe PDF version of the application to seal, declaration giving notice or a proof of service, Word version of the proposed order (with the proposed denied instructions) and an Adobe PDF of the document(s) to be filed under seal with a caption page clearly marked "UNDER SEAL." The subject line of the e-mail should have the case number, plus the words "UNDER SEAL REQUEST".
Electronically file a NOTICE OF MANUAL FILING indicating that an application to seal, declaration giving notice or a proof of service, proposed order sealing and under seal documents have been submitted to the Court. Send an e-mail to the chambers e-mail at mcs_chambers@cacd.uscourts.gov, containing an adobe PDF version of the application to seal, declaration giving notice or a proof of service, Word version of the proposed order (with the proposed denied instructions as stated above) and an Adobe PDF of the document(s) to be filed under seal with a caption page, clearly marked "UNDER SEAL." The subject line of the e-mail should have the case number, plus the words "UNDER SEAL REQUEST". Please note: The title of the pleading will be placed on the public docket entry. For example: "Declaration of John Doe, Exhibit A." If approved, the document itself will be sealed and not viewable by the public, but the entry (title) will be viewable.
If electronic equipment must be brought into the courtroom for trial, counsel shall make prior arrangements with the Court Security. Notice must be given to the CRD at the above number.
Arrangements for bringing voluminous trial materials or exhibits into the Courtroom through the Building Vehicle Loading Dock (if required) may be made through the Space & Facilities (S&F) Help Desk, at (213) 894.1400. Before contacting S&F for a required building security pass, prior approval of delivery time must be coordinated with the CRD. Once approval from the CRD is received, logistical delivery information must be provided to S&F with adequate notice (at least one day) to create and issue required building security pass. Counsel and messengers who attempt to access building parking and loading dock without required pass will be denied entry and must the utilize public entrance.
Digital exhibit tags are available on the Court's website (Form G-14A plaintiff, Form G-14B defendant). Digital exhibit tags may be used in place of the tags obtained from the Clerk's office