Honorable Wesley L. Hsu

First Street Courthouse, 350 W. 1st Street, Courtroom 9B, 9th Floor, Los Angeles, California 90012
All appearances shall be in person. Remote appearances are not permitted absent good cause and must be authorized by the Court. Requests for remote appearances must be filed with a courtesy copy to chambers at least one-week prior to the hearing date. The request should state the basis for good cause and indicate that counsel have met and conferred with opposing counsel consistent with Local Rule 7-3. Untimely requests will not be considered. Hybrid appearances, in which one or more party(ies) appears remotely and the other(s) in person, are highly disfavored.
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Recording, copying, photographing and rebroadcasting of court proceedings is prohibited by federal law. A violation of this prohibition may result in sanctions, including suspension of your license to practice before this court, referral to the state bar, denial of the right to appear by video or telephonically at future proceedings, criminal prosecution, contempt, denial of admission to future hearings, and any other sanctions deemed necessary by the Court.
CIVIL matters are heard on Fridays at 1:30 p.m.
CRIMINAL matters are heard on Fridays at 9:30 a.m.
Scheduling Motions: It is NOT necessary to clear a hearing date with the Courtroom Deputy Clerk (“CRD”) before filing a motion. Before filing motions, the parties must check the section of this webpage regarding Closed Motion Dates to make sure the hearing date has not been closed. If a motion is calendared for a date that is closed or becomes unavailable on the Court's calendar, the Court will issue a minute order continuing the motion to a date that is available. If the Monday or Friday in a given week is a holiday, the Court will NOT have a Friday calendar. The next available hearing date will be the following Friday.
Rule 56 Motions: Before filing Rule 56 motions, parties must review and comply with the Court's Standing Order for Motions for Summary Judgment, which sets forth the briefing schedule and specific requirements for joint briefing and filing such motions.
All other Motions: Must be noticed, served, and filed not later than twenty-eight (28) days before the hearing date. See Local Rule 6-1. Opposition papers must be filed and served not later than twenty-one (21) days before the hearing date. Reply papers must be filed and served not later than fourteen (14) days before the hearing date. See Local Rule 7-9, 7-10.
Settlement: Counsel must notify the Court at least two (2) weeks before the scheduled hearing if the parties are conducting settlement discussions that may render the motion moot and must notify the Court immediately if a settlement is reached. A belated settlement notice wastes scarce judicial resources and may subject the offending parties to sanctions.
Tentative Rulings: Tentatives, if issued, are typically made available (i) the afternoon before the hearing between 2:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. on this webpage, or (ii) thirty (30) minutes before the hearing in the courtroom. A tentative ruling does not represent the final decision of the Court, and the parties are strictly prohibited from filing it as an exhibit in any case. If all parties submit on the tentative ruling, please advise the Courtroom Deputy, and no appearance will be required.
Electronic Filing: Counsel shall e-file all original civil and criminal filings pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 5(d)(3), Local Rule 5-4, and this Court’s relevant Standing Orders.
- Under Seal Filings: In civil cases, counsel are ordered to follow the procedures outlined in Local Rule 79-5.2.2 (The Guide to Electronically Filing Under Seal Documents in Civil Cases). In criminal matters, counsel shall refer to the Under Seal Instructions for Criminal Cases below.
- Ex Parte Applications: A party seeking ex parte relief, including a temporary restraining order, must comply with Local Rule 7-19. The applicant must notify the other party (or parties) that opposing papers are to be filed no later than forty-eight (48) hours following service or by 3:00 p.m. on the first court day after service, whichever is later. The opposing party should advise the CRD as soon as possible whether it intends to oppose the ex parte application. Reply briefs in support of ex parte applications are not permitted. The Court generally considers ex parte applications on the papers. The parties should not assume that an unopposed ex parte application will be granted; and a last minute application (or stipulation) that is denied will not serve to relieve a party of an underlying obligation (e.g. a soon-to-expire deadline). Sanctions may be imposed for misuse of ex parte applications.
- Requests for Continuances: Continuances are granted only on a showing of good cause. Requests for continuances must be by motions or stipulation and must be accompanied by a declaration setting forth the reasons for the requested continuance. The declaration also should include whether there have been any previous requests for continuances and whether these requests were granted or denied by the Court. Stipulations extending dates set by this Court are not effective unless approved by the Court. Continuances will not be granted routinely.
- Discovery Matters: All discovery matters are referred to the assigned magistrate judge. All discovery documents must include the words "DISCOVERY MATTER" in the caption to ensure proper routing. Documents may not be filed under seal in matters pending before the district judge based on a protective order signed by the magistrate judge. A separate and additional showing of good cause as to each category of document or information is required. See Fed. R. Civ. P. 26(c); Phillips ex rel. Estates of Byrd v. General Motors Corp., 307 F.3d 1206, 1212 (9th Cir. 2002). The parties must also comply with Local Rule 79-5 (Confidential Court Records).
- Contacting Chambers: Counsel shall not contact the Court or its Chambers staff by telephone or by any other ex parte means (unless contact has been first initiated by Chambers staff). Counsel may contact the CRD with appropriate inquiries. The preferred method of communication with the CRD is by email at WLH_Chambers@cacd.uscourts.gov. Counsel must copy all parties on any such email. To facilitate communication with the CRD, counsel should list their email addresses along with their telephone numbers on all filings. Inquiries regarding the status of submitted motions, stipulations, or proposed orders will not be responded to unless the matter has been pending for more than 90 days.
Interpreters, Transcripts, Technology: For information about transcript, interpreter services, or use of court technology, please see the Central District Court website. In a civil case, it is counsel's responsibility to arrange for the services of an interpreter. Counsel should contact the CRD in advance to request leave to bring electronic equipment into the courtroom and to receive instructions on how to obtain proper permission from the U.S. Marshals Service to do so. Information regarding use of the Court's own courtroom technology is available on the Court's website or by contacting the Courtroom Technology Help Desk at 213-894-3061.
Media Requests: Neither Judge Hsu nor his CRD will respond to requests from the media. Media should refer to the Central District website for information and instructions on how to communicate with the Court.
Orders & Additional Documents
Tentative Rulings
Case Name | Case Number | Hearing Date |
Tentative Order re Plaintiff's Status as Pro Per | 2:22-cv-08736 | Friday, February 14, 2025 |