Attorney Case-Opening Pilot Project

The Court has expanded the Attorney Case-Opening Pilot Project, which allows for the electronic filing of new civil cases. Beginning February 18, 2014, attorneys may file almost all new civil cases online, using the Court’s CM/ECF System. Under the expanded Pilot Project, most complaints and notices of removal may be filed electronically, so long as the filing fee is paid online at the time of filing or no filing fee is owed. Amended complaints, counterclaims, cross-claims, and other claim-initiating documents may also be filed electronically in any civil case.
For more detailed information about the expanded Attorney Case-Opening Pilot Project, refer to the Court’s General Order No. 14-01. For instructions on filing new civil cases electronically, refer to the Attorney Case-Opening Pilot Project User Manual. Both documents are available on the Court’s website at, as are step-by-step training videos demonstrating the electronic caseopening process.
The expanded Pilot Project will be in effect from February 18, 2014, to December 1, 2014. The Court anticipates that the electronic filing of case-initiating documents will eventually become mandatory in the Central District of California.
Terry Nafisi
Clerk of Court