Attorneys Required to File New Civil Miscellaneous Cases Electronically, Effective July 20, 2015
Since December 1, 2014, attorneys filing new civil actions in the Central District of California have been required by Local Rule 3-2 to file their case-initiating documents electronically, using the Court’s Case Management/Electronic Case Filing System (CM/ECF), unless exempted from electronic filing by Local Rule 5-4.2. Initially, “miscellaneous” cases (certain proceedings that are administrative or otherwise ancillary to civil actions are filed as “miscellaneous” cases, not full-scale civil actions) were exempt from this requirement, but as of July 20, 2015, those cases must also be opened electronically using CM/ECF. Starting July 20, 2015, therefore, every case-initiating document filed in the Central District must be filed electronically, except: (a) in criminal cases; (b) in sealed cases, or where leave to file the case under seal is sought; or (c) where the filer is exempt from e-filing pursuant to Local Rule 5-4.2(a).
Miscellaneous case-initiating documents that must be filed electronically include:
- Registration of Judgment from Other District Court (Form AO-451)
- Motion Related to Subpoena from Other District (i.e., to quash, modify, enforce, compel, obtain protective order, etc.)
- Notice of Receivership Pursuant to 28 U.S.C. §754
- Petition to Quash a Third Party IRS Summons
- Request for Administrative Deposition Subpoena
- Petition to Perpetuate Testimony Filed Pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 27(a)
- Receipt of Letters Rogatory
- Request for Issuance of Digital Millennium Copyright Act Subpoena
- Motion to Enforce Filed Pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 65.1
All documents required to be filed concurrently with the case-initiating document must also be filed electronically. Any filing fee that is required must be paid online at the time the case-initiating document is filed, unless a request to proceed in forma pauperis is filed concurrently. A revised version of the Attorney Civil Case-Opening User Manual, with more detailed information about opening miscellaneous cases electronically, will be posted on the Court’s website before July 20, 2015.
To open a case or file a document electronically, an attorney must be a registered CM/ECF user. Registered CM/ECF users are reminded of their obligation to keep their personal contact information current, especially the e-mail address, to ensure receipt of electronic notice. See L.R. 5-4.8.1; L.R. 83-2.4. Click here for information about updating an attorney’s contact information.
If you have any questions or need additional information please contact the CM/ECF Help Desk at (213) 894-0242 from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. PST Monday through Friday. You may also email the helpdesk at
Kiry K. Gray
Acting Clerk of Court