Bail Hearings

An application for review of conditions of bail must indicate a hearing date, time and contain signatures of various parties, before it can be submitted to the court. Prepare an Application to the Criminal Duty Judge for Review of Magistrate Judge’s Bail Order; Order Thereon (form CR-062). Obtain a hearing date from the assigned judge’s courtroom deputy clerk or Criminal Intake. Serve the application and obtain the signatures of the Pretrial Services Officer, Assistant U.S. Attorney, defense counsel, and Interpreter Services (if an interpreter is required). Electronically file the application (if applicable), or manually file the application in the Criminal Intake Section.
Prepare an Application for Review/Reconsideration of Order Setting Conditions of Release/Detention (18 U.S.C. §3142) and Request for Hearing (form CR-088) and Notification Re: Application for Bail Review or Reconsideration of Order Setting Conditions of Release or Detention (18 U.S.C. §3142) (form CR-088A) to request a review/reconsideration from the magistrate/district judge who set the bail conditions or denied bond. Electronically file the application (if applicable) and attach the notice, or manually submit the application and order to the Criminal Intake Section