Technical PDF Related Questions

  • What is a PDF document?

    Documents in Portable Document File (PDF) format do not require a copy of the word processing program used to create them in order to be viewed. They can be viewed by anyone with a free viewer, such as Acrobat Reader, a product of Adobe Systems, Inc. In addition to its cross platform advantage, a PDF document matches very closely the format of the original document in which the PDF document was created. All of the pleadings in the CM/ECF system are stored in PDF format. To view PDF files, you must have a PDF viewing software such as Acrobat Reader, which you may download free from the Adobe Systems Internet website You will view PDF documents the way they were created, and you may save and print them in that format.

    PDF is the only format in which documents will be accepted in CM/ECF.

  • My document seems to change when I make it into PDF; what's happening?

    This is called "flowing". Depending on the font, the printer selected, and other characteristics of the content, a document may undergo some changes when it's rendered into PDF. If you are using an Adobe product to convert documents to PDF, visit Adobe has a set of technical documents posted on their site that refer directly to ways in which you may attempt to address flowing problems.

    Another work-around is to set your PDF printer as your "Default Printer" before opening the document, then open the document, edit it to correct any format errors, save it and try printing (converting) to PDF again.
