E-Filing a Request for a Duplicate Admission Certificate

Requests for duplicate admission certificates must be submitted electronically through the Court’s electronic filing system. The required fee of $21.00 for each certificate must be paid by credit card at the time of submission. Before e-filing your request for a duplicate admission certificate, verify that your mailing address is current in the CM/ECF System: click “Utilities” on the menu bar at the top of the screen, then “Maintain Your Address.” Review your mailing address and make any necessary changes or corrections. Admission certificates are sent by U.S. Mail, so if your mailing address is incorrect you may not receive it. Step-by-step instructions for e-filing a request are set forth below.
- Log in to the Court’s electronic filing system using your own username and password.
- On the menu bar at the top of the screen, click Civil > Other Filings > Attorney Certificates.
- A case number with case type “mc” will be displayed. Click NEXT.
- Select Request for Duplicate Admission Certificate from the list of available events. Click NEXT.
- The screen will display a message that only one duplicate admission certificate may be requested at a time. Click NEXT.
- Enter the following information for the attorney for whom a duplicate admission certificate is being requested: California State Bar number, full name of the attorney, and the mailing address where the certificate should be sent if you want it mailed to a different address from the current mailing address in CM/ECF. Click NEXT.
- The screen will display the $21.00 fee and a reminder to have your credit card information ready. Click NEXT.
- You will be taken to the online Pay.gov payment screen. DO NOT CLICK THE “BACK” BUTTON ONCE YOU START THE PAYMENT PROCESS. Complete all payment data fields.
- You will be returned to the CM/ECF site. Click NEXT.
- The “Docket Text: Final Text” screen appears. Click NEXT to complete the transaction.
- The Notice of Electronic Filing screen appears. You should print or save the Notice of Electronic Filing screen for a record of this transaction because no electronic notice will be sent for this event.
If you do not receive your certificate within four weeks of filing plus an additional three days for mailing, contact Attorney Admissions at cacd_attyadm@cacd.uscourts.gov. If you have a problem e-filing your request, contact the CM/ECF Helpdesk at (213) 894-0242 or ecf-helpdesk@cacd.uscourts.gov.