Scheduling Out-of-Court Interpreters

The Court's Interpreter Services Section does not schedule interpreter or written translation services for CJA attorneys.
It is important to note that payment to Interpreters for CJA out-of-court services will be for actual time spent in travel to and from the location of the interpreting, any reasonable waiting time at the place of the interpreting, and interpreting services. These fees are to be fully itemized in hours and tenths of hours. In no event will the amount paid exceed the then current Administrative Office of the United States Courts (the "AO") full day rates unless the total hours claimed exceed eight hours. In such an event, the applicable overtime hourly rate will apply for every hour or fraction thereof, over eight hours.
Travel time and mileage will be compensated subject to reasonableness (ex. travel time and mileage from out-of-district to MDC to interpret are unreasonable and will not be approved).
Maximum hourly rates and overtime rates have been established and are below.
(Effective May 1, 2023)
Hourly rates for interpreters performing CJA work are derived from the half- and full-day rates paid to contract interpreters by the court for in-court work (“Court Work”), as set by the Administrative Office of the United States Courts (“AO”). These rates vary depending on the professional qualifications of the interpreter. Billing for CJA matters depends in part on whether both Court Work and CJA work are performed on the same day, as shown below.
Interpreters may bill for reasonable round-trip travel time necessary to perform work that advances the representation of the case.
CJA Hourly Rate | |
Interpreting: Federally Certified Interpreters and Professionally Qualified Interpreters of Languages for Which No AO Certification Is Offered | $80/hour |
Interpreting: Professionally Qualified Interpreters of Languages for Which AO Certification Is Offered Who Are Not Federally Certified, But Who Were Previously Paid at the Federally Certified Hourly Rate by the Central District Before May 1, 2023 | $80/hour |
Interpreting: Professionally Qualified Interpreters of Languages for Which AO Certification Is Offered Who Are Not Federally Certified | $70/hour |
Interpreting: Language Skilled Interpreters | $60/hour |
Document Translation | $0.20 per word |
Audio Translation/Transcription: Federally Certified Interpreters and Professionally Qualified Interpreters of Languages for Which No AO Certification Is Offered | $55/hour |
Audio Translation/Transcription: Professionally Qualified Interpreters of Languages for Which AO Certification Is Offered Who Are Not Federally Certified | $45/hour |
Audio Translation/Transcription: Language Skilled Interpreters | $35/hour |