Notices from the Clerk

Check this page, or the News and Announcements box on the homepage, for the latest official news and announcements released by the court. You can also access archived news and announcements from this page.

Sealed Filings in CM/ECF

On January 6, 2021, the Judicial Conference of the United States announced a temporary policy change for certain sealed filings in the federal courts’ case management and electronic case file system (CM/ECF).  The Administrative Office of the U.S.

Extension of Continuity of Operations Plan

The United States District Court for the Central District of California’s Continuity of Operations (“COOP”) Plan has been extended through and including January 29, 2021.  Extension of the COOP Plan is necessary to ensure the continuous performance...

Southern Division’s Operations

Per the gating criteria previously adopted by the Court, local COVID-19 exposure risks in the Court’s Southern Division have increased, such that allowing additional in-court hearings and opening the Santa Ana Courthouse to the public are no longer...

New and Amended Local Rules Effective December 1, 2020

The new and amended local rules listed below will become effective December 1, 2020. A redlined version of these rules, as well as complete copies of the Local Civil Rules and the Local Criminal Rules that will be effective December 1, 2020, are...

Changes to the District Court Miscellaneous Fee Schedule

Pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1914, the Judicial Conference of the United States approved several changes to the district court miscellaneous fee schedule, effective December 1, 2020. The amended Schedule of Fees will be available on the Court’s website.

Reopening of the Southern Division

Per the gating criteria that was adopted by the Court, local COVID-19 exposure risks in the Court’s Southern Division are decreasing, such that allowing additional in-court hearings is appropriate at this time.  Therefore, the United States District...

Changes to Local Rules Proposed to Become Effective December 1, 2020

The Court has preliminarily approved amendments to the local rules listed below. The proposed effective date is December 1, 2020. A redline of the proposed changes accompanies the electronic version of this notice and can also be found on the Court’...

Criminal Bench Duty in the Eastern Division

Effective August 31, 2020, criminal bench duty for the Eastern Division will take place in the George E. Brown, Jr. Federal Building and United States Courthouse in Riverside, by video or telephonic conference with the defendant’s consent and in-...

Proposed Amendments for Public Comment

The Judicial Conference Advisory Committees on Appellate, Bankruptcy, Civil, and Criminal Rules have proposed amendments to the following rules and have asked that they be circulated to the bench, bar, and public for comment. Appellate Rule: 25

COVID-19 Notice (August 6, 2020)

The United States District Court for the Central District of California announces the following regarding the Court’s operations in light of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and the recent surge of COVID-19 cases in the District. Access to the...

Seeking Applications: Non-Attorney Merit Selection Panel Members

The United States District Court, Central District of California, is currently accepting applications from non-attorney individuals interested in serving on the Central District’s Merit Selection Panel.

Annual Renewal Fee and Pro Hac Vice Fee Increase

On May 28, 2020, the United States District Court for the Central District of California issued General Order No. 20-07, which instituted an annual renewal fee of $25 for every attorney who has been a member of the Bar of the Central District of...

Criminal Bench Duty in the Southern Division

Effective July 13, 2020, criminal bench duty for the Southern Division will take place in the Ronald Reagan Courthouse in Santa Ana, by video or telephonic conference with the defendant’s consent and in-court absent consent. Pursuant to General...

Use of Face Coverings in Court Facilities

Pursuant to Order of the Chief Judge No. 20-078, the United States District Court for the Central District of California announces the use of face coverings in the United States Courthouses and Probation and Pretrial Services Offices in the District...

New and Amended Local Rules Effective June 1, 2020

The new and amended local rules listed below will become effective June 1, 2020. A redlined version of these rules, as well as complete copies of the Local Civil Rules and the Local Criminal Rules that will be effective June 1, 2020, are available...

COVID-19 Notice (March 21, 2020)

The United States District Court for the Central District of California has activated its Continuity of Operations Plan (“COOP”), effective March 23, 2020 through and including May 1, 2020 necessary to ensure the continuous performance of essential...

Visitor Restrictions

The United States District Court for the Central District of California announces visitor restrictions to all courthouses and probation and pretrial services offices in the District as a result of the COVID-19 virus (coronavirus) outbreak. The...

Changes to Local Rules Proposed to Become Effective June 1, 2020

The Court has preliminarily approved amendments to the local rules listed below. The proposed effective date is June 1, 2020. A redline of the proposed changes accompanies the electronic version of this notice and can also be found on the Court’s...

Third Notice - NextGen is Coming on February 18, 2020

ACTION REQUIRED NextGen is Coming on February 18, 2020 – Prepare Today!
