Application for Mediation Panel

The Central District of California has established a Mediation Panel pursuant to Local Rule 16-15.4. The Panel consists of qualified and impartial attorneys who will encourage the fair, speedy, and economical resolution of civil actions.
General Order 11-10 governs the administration of, and referral of cases to, the Mediation Panel. Section 3 of that General Order sets forth requirements for individuals interested in joining the Panel. To serve as a Panel Mediator, a person must be a member in good standing of the Bar of the United States District Court, Central District of California, with at least ten years legal practice experience, substantial experience with or knowledge of civil litigation in federal court, and significant expertise in one or more designated areas of law. The Court considers applications for Panel membership just once a year, and may limit the number of new members accepted in any given year depending on the number of existing Panel members and the needs of the Court. In the next application cycle, the Court will consider only applicants for Panel membership who have already completed a training course or courses in mediation totaling at least 32 hours of MCLE credit or who demonstrate concrete plans to attend such training within the calendar year in which the application is submitted.
Mediators interested in becoming members of the Mediation Panel for the Central District of California must complete the Mediation Panel Application Form (ADR-19), available at Applications will be accepted every year between January 1 and March 31. Please check back here at the beginning of the annual application period to obtain the most updated version of the form. Completed application forms must be returned by email to, and must be received on or before March 31 in order to be considered for appointment to the Panel for the current calendar year. Please note that handwritten applications will not be accepted. All applicants will be notified in writing regarding the disposition of applications. Appointments to the Panel are effective on July 1 in the year of appointment, but new members will be required to complete orientation training in the first few months of their first term before being appointed as a Panel Mediator in any case.
Click here to view/download the application.